I had every intention of "taking off" a couple of weeks at the end of the year, to just focus on friends and family for the holidays. Of course sign paintings trickled (way) over into that time, and I had a few design installations and a boat load of emails to tend to. That "break" is already 8 days in the rearview mirror but I think I'm *finally* at a place with work that I can sort of check out for a week or so. I'm looking forward to just enjoying some downtime, and relishing in Mike being home from school for two more weeks. (With that being said, you'll probably see Linden's monthly post soon and then a bit of radio silence or something, maybe until the new year. We'll all be too busy to notice anyway haha!) Anyway, here's a little glimpse at what we've been up to these past few days.

I made Linden a few little shirts just for fun. (The sloth print is from Nation of Amanda) and the tattoo one is just a version of one all over the internet haha. They're just iron-on transfers, but I'm pretty impressed with how well they worked! I also made Toby a shirt and a sweatshirt, and I used the dark transfers and love how it turned out! (I'll show that one soon, but it's a surprise for someone so I have to keep it under wraps!)

I painted a million and one signs this holiday season. I was trying to paint upwards of 10 a day, but I'm happy to say they ALL made it out in time. Every sign was supposed to be delivered by yesterday, but tracking numbers are saying a few are lingering out to be delivered today. Fingers crossed!

These Brookside Crunchy Clusters are seriously AMAZING! I love the pomegranate ones, but these are so much better. I'm hoping Santa just fills my stocking with these haha!

I finally gathered the guts to try an ice galaxy dye on some osnaburg this weekend. I bought 4 yards to dye in hopes of making a fun ring sling or shorty. I basically did *everything* wrong when I dyed it, so it came out a little less than perfect and a bit more pastel than I had hoped for, but it wasn't a total fail. I'm going to work on wrapping it today and see what I can do. I might paint some little stars and constellations on it with fabric paint.

Yesterday was fun of fun for Toby. He painted some fun gifts for Christmas and made a ton of salt dough ornaments. Today we're going to work on painting the ornaments!

Linden is generally in a really good mood all day long (thank goodness!) but he's been skipping out on the sleep at night recently. His reaction here is how I feel about that haha!

I've been slowly trying to get the hang of my ring sling when wearing Linden. It's been so intimidating to me, but I'm learning. (He's a bit too low here, but hey, he's up with a decent seat!)

Linden has been getting lots of hang time in his MamaRoo lately. He can finally reach the mobile and he has so much fun batting it around and picking up his toys to slap it haha!

This was my situation last night. I finally got Linden to sleep in my arms and Tater Tot decided my chest looked super comfy. She laid there for at least fifteen minutes before I totally couldn't breathe anymore haha
Happy Festivus! Merry Christmas! All of those fun things. I hope y'all have a happy holiday! xo