While I said last year that I don't typically play into the "new years resolution" bit, I will admit that I was a bit more excited to whip up a few of my own this time around. I tried writing them out and scanning them in, but then I realized I'm not really keen on my handwriting, so typing will have to suffice!
This year has been a whirlwind for Mike and I. I recapped most of them in our Year One: In Retrospect post earlier this month, but even as an individual, 2010 taught me so very much. I feel as though I grew up a lot in this year and I hope that it spills over into the next. While time may just be a means of measurement for some, I've decided to put on the optimistic face and make sure that I'm making the most of absolutely every single day and situation... New Years included!
I wish I were able to spend it out and about, celebrating with friends, but duty calls and a bartender is needed on this night. Mike will be spending it with me so that's enough for me. Just thinking that this might *hopefully* be my last year working at the bar makes me giddy because that means big changes for our little family!
I don't typically make "concrete" goals because I don't want to punish myself for not fulfilling them in the exact way they were first intended. Instead, I'll share with you some of my personal goals and resolutions, as well as some for the blog!
2011: The Year of Magic!
Personal Goals and Resolutions
- Tolerate no negativity. I feel as though I do a fairly good job of this as it is, but in 2011 I will allow absolutely no one to bring me down for any reason whatsoever. Woo!
- Work on a set schedule at home. I will be working from home (aside from the bar) so I need to be up at a certain hour, doing certain things until a certain time, and have a schedule to keep me on top of it!
- Get organized! My computer, my studio, my life... everything! Everything should be in tip-top order so we can hopefully have fewer speedbumps along the way!
- Work out my penpal system! I need to be more on top of replying and not losing items/letters! I'd like to devote a set amount of time per week to reply to everyone who writes to me!
- Welcome change! This year is sure to be a big one for us. With two moves in the plans (more on those later), that alone will send our world into a tizzy. This year will be full of big decisions and I'm so so excited!
- Work on chasing my dream career! That means sewing sewing and sewing those dresses! That's right, you heard me! I'll be working my fingers to my bone, but it will be so worth it!
- Work on saving money! Sounds a little mundane and vague, but we're fairly good at it as is... now it's time to put it into hyperdrive and really make it count! We're ready to get a head start on life so bring it on!
- Make every day magical! Every day and every situation! Stuck in rush hour traffic? Turn up some music and let myself go. Or write down lots of ideas rushing through my head. Anything. Just make it a positive situation.
Blog Goals
- At least 3 outfit post a week! I'm really really going to try!
- Introduce new and exciting features on the blog! I have so many fun things lined up for 2011! I know you guys will just love them! I can't wait to share!
- Read and comment on more followers' blogs! I've found so many amazing blogs just by clicking through some of my followers who comment! You take the time out of your busy day to share in my life, and now I want to share in yours too!
Thank you guys so much for sharing in what has definitely been the best year yet! To think I started off this year with maybe 200 followers at most, and we're ending like this?! That's the best feeling ever! I can't imagine my life without this sweet little blog! I've met so many amazing people through it and I hope to meet even more! Let's go, 2011! I'm ready! xo