and then passed out immediately thereafter. amazing.
i spent most of today in stores... i know i shouldn't have.. but i did. i acquired new fabrics, an eyelet kit, new threads, lots of new patterned paper, christmas ornaments, wreaths, lots and lots of spray paint, twinkle lights, wooden shelves (which i spray painted 'ballet slipper' pink tonight), several ADORABLE dresses, a few cardigans and a sweater. i have a cute new outfit to wear every single day until the semester is over! ill try to take pictures but knowing me and my amount of stress currently, ill go to school in jeans and a hoodie (ew, i know!).
i can't wait to show you all what i've been crafting lately and i can't wait to redo my room! its literally the driving force for the next week and a half to fly by! i think i might get a headboard or a new bed for christmas. right now i only have a frame but i think it'll be a nice new touch. i'm also looking for an L-shaped desk that isnt TOO big so i can get rid of all my small desks/bookshelves and put it all on one. that way i can use the small side for sewing and then the larger side for my computer, etc.
anyway, i need to sleep because i promised myself i'd be up at 7am (yeah right) and be SERIOUSLY productive tomorrow! i have so much to get done, especially if i want to see josh while he's in town. then it's back to the grind. luckily school is open 24 hours this week. huzzah!
i'll leave you with some epic pictures of my favorite animal. goodnight!