Happy National Compliment Day!
Did you know that was a thing? Apparently so! It's even noted on my ban.do Best Year Ever calendar haha Compliments are awesome. Sincere compliments get all up in our ~feels and they put a little pep in our step. What's even better than being on the receiving end of one of these? Being the one giving them out. I think that when you do something nice for someone, you just can't help but be in a good mood! It's such a great way to get out of a funky mood - Have you ever tried it? Seriously, give it a shot! Next time you're feeling crummy - for any reason at all - give someone a sincere compliment. The appreciation and joy in the reaction of the recipient is sure to make your day a little bit better and brighter. And you'll likely have made their day, too!
So in the spirit of sharing positivity, I whipped up 8 little rainbow colored compliment cards that you can print, cut, and share with ease! Some are silly, some are sincere, but every lsat one of them is sure to make someone feel good. And that's what we want right? All the feel goods!
just save the image to your desktop and print!
If DIY compliment cards aren't really your thing, you could also...

* Swipe these bad boys from ban.do!
How freakin' fun, right?

* Send something yummy and sweet
with a note included! *
These incredible Champagne Strawberries would be a safe bet haha
(and I know this because Whitney and I ate far too many - 10/10 would do again)

* Create a Compliment Jar for
someone you love *
Every time they're feeling down they can grab a pick-me-up you wrote for them

I hope you're excited to make someone's day! If we all just practiced a little bit of kindness... can you imagine?! Don't forget, compliments aren't just for friends and family. Compliment a stranger you pass on the street. Compliment the cashier at your local supermarket. Compliment the universe for simply existing. Don't be afraid to spread your sunshine.
What's your favorite compliment
that you remember receiving?
Happy complimenting!
xo KB
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