** Currently only accepting submissions for Rad Gal, Rad Gig and Baggage features **
Please click the appropriate link below for more Feature information:
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If you'd like to submit a link or contributor post for consideration, please read below. Links will be included if/when relevant and if they were provided by multiple sources, they will be credited to the first person to submit. If you're interested in submitting a contributor post, please send a detailed account of the post and what it would include. Contributor posts can be anything from a delicious recipe, to a DIY project, city feature, or resourceful article. This is also appropriate for readers hoping to participate in regular features such as Rad Gal, Rad Gig, etc. Submissions are a perfect way to share relevant links and information to be included in future posts such as Things I Love Thursday, spotlights or features, or dedicated guest posts. The Clueless Girl's Guide strives to bring quality content to the table and we'd love to share the opportunity with others.
Contributor post submissions will be evaluated individually and if TCGG is interested in publishing, we will contact you. Please note that all contributor posts must be original material and may not be published elsewhere on the web for 6 months after it goes live.
If you would like to reach Kaelah directly or submit an idea/article/link, please contact her via her personal email address with the subject "Submission": kaelahbee@gmail.com.
If you would like to reach Kaelah directly or submit an idea/article/link, please contact her via her personal email address with the subject "Submission": kaelahbee@gmail.com.
Thank you for your interest in submitting content for TCGG!
I love the black Orbit Baby Base paired with the hot pink seat cover and sun shade! so perfect for a little girl!
ReplyDeleteHi ! I would like to interview you for class!