// Things I Love Thursday v.294

On a Friday... whatever. ha
these amazing textile moths (!!!!) ♥
this this this! ♥
this illo ♥
this is true, too (you can buy the print) ♥
these cute fish ♥
this collage ♥
these veggie illustrations ♥

// My Dad's Confederate flag. If you were raised in the South then this might resonate with you. As someone who grew up around the confederate flag and had it normalized as a part of heritage/culture, I too once overlooked and defended the right to display it because it didn't register as a sign of hate to me personally - which was the problem - I wasn't thinking about the millions of people it *did* trigger. It was the backdrop of the karaoke stage at the bar I worked at. It's both embarrassing and shameful to recall that time, but the important part is denouncing those thoughts and behaviors now. I appreciate Trae's perspective.

// Books With Style is easily my favorite Shopbop collection to keep up with. I think Desserts of New York needs to make its way to my kitchen!

// Scientists found that the soul doesn't die - it goes back into the universe. The title is a bit misleading as it's really only a theory - but a theory on energy that I can personally get behind.

// Proctor and Gamble's new anti-racism ad is roiling white America. Every parent - and person, to be honest - needs to see this. It will likely bring you to tears, just a warning.

// Cassini just sent back the closest, most incredible photos of Saturn. Amazing. Cassini will burn up in Saturn's atmosphere on September 15th. Rest in peace, Cassini.

xo KB

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  1. Thank you for these- I always enjoy this post - no matter what day it's posted!! :)

  2. oh my. Although those English dresses are lovely, that is far too many things to do in order to dress in the morning. I sweat a LOT as it is and can't imagine how much worse I'd be back then. Please tell me women of smaller status wore a little less.... haha.

    I loved the Proctor and Gamble commercial!

    I always click on several of the links and thank you for these lists. Sorry I don't comment enough to tell you!


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB