// Do Something - Actionable Steps To Challenge Racism

The state of our country gets scarier and scarier by the day. The events in Virginia over the weekend are just further proof that the hatred and bigotry of America is being fed and fueled by the current administration. If you don't see the problem in neo-Nazis and what went down this weekend then YOU are the problem. If you don't want to read political rants, why are you still here? We can all learn from what is being shared by POC. It can be totally overwhelming to look at the current state of affairs and wonder what to do or where to start or how to help. I've tried to compile a list of efforts and articles that are worth being shared and supported. We must do more. We should not rely on POC to educate us on racism. I'm guilty of this myself but we can all use Google. Call out racist friends, family, and acquaintances. Recognize your own privilege and prejudice. Understand that you may fail and disappoint at times, but use them as opportunities to learn and grow. And quite possibly the most important of all: LISTEN. If you're looking for a way to make an impact but don't know how, this post is for you. (I'm happy to add any/all relevant links if you want to share any!) * I use "you" as a generic term referring to all of us non-POC.

// Donate to victims of Charlottesville

// Articles and sites worth reading and sharing (and acting on)

// Organizations to donate to

// Women of Color owned businesses (please send others to include!)

xo KB


  1. Thank you for posting this and speaking up.

  2. Thank you for this post, excellent round-up too!

  3. Thank you for sharing this! Really makes me happy to see people bringing attention to these issues instead of just ignoring it and hoping the problem goes away on it's own.


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB