So maybe spotlighting a celebrity is a little unconventional here on LCH. I tend to stick with lesser-known people to highlight but when Hope asked me if I'd like to elaborate on just why I thought Ellen DeGeneres was the Most Iconic Woman of the Decade, I couldn't say no! Many of you have agreed with me thus far that Ellen is a great role model for people, and a big inspiration to you. But what is it about her that just makes her so magnetizing? My answer: Because she's simple.
Give someone an arena filled with millions of people daily, throw in a corporate high-dollar budget, and sprinkle in some other big-name celebrities and sure, you can make a difference. You can give away cars and trips and scholarships. While Ellen does all of these things, she reaches more people using only her personality. She has an undeniably upbeat spirit that you can't help but catch. Her positivity is magical and contagious.
I think there comes a time when we all feel dwarfed by major motion pictures, reality tv shows, and even the humanitarian efforts of other people. The amazing thing about humans is how resilient we are. We bounce back. We know how to pick ourselves up, dust off, and get back on the horse. However it's sometimes easier with a friend. To me, Ellen always appears to be your friend. She's hilarious and can make you laugh. She's heartfelt and can make you cry. She's strong, unabashed, and determined. Thus making you feel empowered. She's the kind of woman who shows up and says "Here I am. Take it or leave it."
I wrote about Giving Away Happiness and practicing random (and not so random) acts of kindness last month. We all talked about how easy it is to just pay someone a compliment or smile when you walk by. I'm a firm believer in it being the "little things" that really make a difference. I guess that is why Ellen is such an inspiration. This blog has been a journey for me. Bouncing back from a failed 3 year relationship, battling an insane amount of personal pessimism, and just trying to find myself again. That's when I decided to make the change. I was going to think positively, act positively, and live positively. That's not to say that I haven't had my ups and downs and I don't battle with my "bad days" because I do. But when you make the conscious effort to live a more optimistic life, you give others the power to do the same. The most amazing part of writing this blog has been seeing, reading, and receiving emails and messages from girls who say that they want to love their bodies, their minds, and their lives... no matter what the situation may be. You never need to be ashamed of who you are, where you come from or what you look like. Ellen is a great example of someone who is proud of who she is, even though there are plenty of people who would love to see her fall.
She's also a great "girl's girl." I just wrote about International Women's Day and banishing "lady hate." She empowers women to be strong and brave. She fosters the creativity of kids through her record label and celebrity. She gives back those who are deserving and in need. To put it simply: She's just awesome.
Ellen Shapes What's To Come every single day, and you can, too! You don't need never-ending resources to make your mark and help change the way society views women (and how we view ourselves!). Check out these great ways to do something in your community!
- Grab a pack of Post-It Notes and leave encouraging messages on random mirrors, fitting rooms, and clothing tags! (i.e.: Operation Beautiful)
- Snag a pack of the You Are Beautiful stickers and leave them all over town or on the back of receipts. (i.e.: what I did in Wilmington!)
- Become a mentor or Big Sister for girls in your neighborhood. Help foster their positive attitude and self image from the very beginning! (i.e.: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America)
- Volunteer at a local soup kitchen or rescue mission! (i.e.: Nashville Rescue Mission)
- or just go out on your own, volunteering your time and energy where it may be needed at that time. There are so many things that you can do as an individual or with your friends and family as a group.
Keep the female empowerment strong! And always remember that passion, positivity, and happiness are contagious. Those are the things we need to focus on spreading!
I really loved reading about your Most Iconic Woman of the Decade submissions! They were truly heartfelt and original! We should continue to treat all of the amazing women in our life like the Most Iconic, because they truly are! Every single of them (and every single one of us, too!). Thanks for letting me blab about why I think Ellen is such a rockstar! xo
You are leaving very little room for me to say anything about Ellen (that you haven't already said) so I'll just put it simply in two words. I.AGREE.
ReplyDeleteThank you thank you thank you! It is so awesome that you mentioned Big Sisters in here - I sometimes think that as young women we think we need to wait until we are older or more settled or "something" until we give back. BUT as someone who works for Big Brothers Big Sisters - the impact of a mentor who is in her 20s or 30s is MASSIVE! There are loads of different programs that you can be involved in - not just 1-1 mentoring. When I read about all of the cool ladies you know & feature and how amazing they are I imagine the *incredible* impact they could have on a little girls life... thank you so much for featuring Bigs as a way to give & get back!
I watch Ellen every single day that shes on and she seriously puts me in the best mood even if I'm having the worst of days. So, I'm very happy you chose her!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Ellen too! She's so awesome, and I am never annoyed when I watch her show like i am with others.
ReplyDeleteAnd I leave post-it's everywhere! The gas pump, the grocery store...I love doing it, =]
Great feature! Ellen is such a role model, and I always say "you cant be sad if you're watching Ellen" her personality is uplifting and contagious!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
Stacey Kay
“Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
Goodwill Huntingg’s Shopping Guides: Cleveland Free Press
Blogger Spotlight: Pearls and Personality
My Vintage Handbag Line
Ellen is so wonderful. I love her.
ReplyDeleteGreat thoughts...she's definitely a woman worth highlighting. :D
ReplyDeletetotally agree, people who are positive and share positivity always get the same in return! lovely post!
ReplyDeletewow massive high five for this post!!
ReplyDeleteNever underestimate the power of a smile,such a small gesture that can make such a difference!
And I agree, how could you not love Ellen??xx