So... It's been a few weeks, yeah? Did you think I wasn't coming back? Did you even notice? haha I've been taking an "unintentional-turned-very-intentional" blog hiatus as of late, and it's niiiice! So much is going on, so much to share, not enough time. Life, y'al! LIFE! Living it! I'm not quite ready to come back just yet, but I had saved so many links lately that I just had to get these off my chest! Consider this a mini hiatus for my hiatus? Yeah? Sounded good to me. Here's the rad stuff I've been wanting to share with you... Enjoy! and See ya again soon! xo

♥ this! truer words have never been spoken ♥

♥ this is the best! ♥

♥ this is the best advice you could ever get ♥

♥ this photo is just too good for words ♥

♥ this gal is killing it! love the colors so much ♥

♥ this is just a nice picture. those dogs! ♥

♥ this ombre food series makes me hungry ♥

♥ this is the sweetest story ♥

♥ linden just got this awesome tablecloth for his birthday party ♥
it's a keepsake, signable tablecloth that spans years 1-10! how freakin' fun!
// Addition Elle is overflowing with gorgeous plus size dresses and I want every single one of them!
// I (okay, Linden) recently got a few goodies from 7am Enfant and we're loving them. Most especially this triangle blanket. It's become our favorite baseball blanket for him to tinker around on during Toby's ballgames. Last week it was covered in juicy tomato and grape wedges... and it wiped clean in a jiffy. I'd write a love letter to that blanket if I could!
// This professor encourages his students to bring their small children to class because he thinks that shouldn't interfere with the ability to learn. Then he went and got even more awesome by taking a crying infant and soothing him while lecturing. Seriously, amazing.
// 8 of Google's craziest offices. YES, I want to work there!
// High school prank fills yearbook with pineapples. This is an awesome prank! No one gets in trouble or hurt, and nothing gets damaged. Hilarious.
// I got a few questions about how Rocksbox worked the last time I shared it, so I thought I'd answer that real quick! Rocksbox is a "subscription" service where they send you 3 pieces of designer jewelry on loan, to wear as long as you want, with the option to buy if you wish. If you sign up for one month, you don't get just one box... you get as many boxes as you can get/wear/return! It's not crazy to get 3 or 4 boxes in one month... that's 9-12 pieces of amazing jewelry to pair with outfit posts, date nights, events, etc! I've had a lot of fun with it because I don't usually buy jewelry. It's the perfect way for me to have something nice to accessorize with, without spending the money. - If you want to try your first month 100% free, use the code kaelahxoxo and it's all yours! I want to see what you get though!
// I don't want to be a boss lady. So much yes!
// Wishlist Wears: this is currently in my cart... SHOULD I DO IT? I THINK I SHOULD! // perfect summer beach tote is perfect // love this bright red skirt // skeleton dress? sure! // this dress reminds me of a 1970s couch in the best way! // this map dress is perfect for a summer road trip // the pattern on this parasol dress is so fun! // this dress reminds me of vintage sheets
What are you loving this week?
Dian Pelangi is a blogger from my country! I don't exactly know why, but your putting her on your TiLT gives me feels. Lotsa feels. LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteDara | Hola Darla | @DarlaOct
Hi Kaelah Darling,
ReplyDeleteeverything will be fine! I've been following this blog for years, and it seems to me that you have been sounding a bit unhappy lately. You have mentioned repeatedly that something doesn't feel right for you.
I just wanted to let you know that for me (and I think I'm not alone in that) it is totally okay if you post or don't post or just post TILTs or do an Honest to Blog rant, or outfit pics, Linden pics, wear your hair up or down or pink or brown... whatever!!!
Just don't disappear.
This is YOUR blog!
You made this thing from scratch, and you can do whatever you want with it. Don't post stuff because you think we readers expect it. If you feel like you need to generate a special kind of content in order to please your sponsors, get rid of these sponsors! You'll find others.
I read this blog because you seem nice, and you're funny and you have an awesome style. Your authenticity is what stands out for me against all those polished bloggers who don't really share their thoughts, they just share some polished pictures. I don't blog, but I imagine that it must be very difficult to hold the balance between wanting to present pretty things and staying real. I think you've done well so far.
Just don't quit blogging because it's not fun anymore - make it fun. Stay real. Whatever that means.
...a fangirl. ;)