This was my outfit for Easter Sunday with my family last weekend. I first saw the dress in Forever 21 and I squealed a little when I saw it paired with a black studded pyramid belt. I own this exact belt from another dress (2 actually!) but I'm a sucker for dainty floral dresses with edgy twists like the belt. Love! The gal at the register said it was a very "Rocker Girly Girl" and it would fit me perfectly. (I honestly think people expect me to be much "harder" than I really am... I mean, I know I have tattoos and piercings, but I'm really rather reserved and just... not "hard" in any way. I'm not complaining though!)
I've been sickly the past couple of days and yesterday it was really rough. We woke up really early to leave by 8am to drive to Lawrenceburg to attend Mike's sister, Laine's CNA pinning and then we stayed all day so Mike could photograph his bonus-mom's employees (for their new website which I'll be whipping up!). I felt like a party pooper most of the day as I just started feeling so sickly, but it was a good time and then I had to go work. Womp womp womp. Work was slammed and while it was good money, it was a strange night. I was exhausted, and there were so many situations I wasn't happy with. (For one: A pregnant lady was drinking whiskey and cokes at rapid speed. Keep in mind this is not one glass of wine at like 8 months... this is 5 whiskey and cokes in 1.5 hours and she's 6-7 months pregnant. It's illegal to refuse her alcoholic service in Tennessee, but I stated my stance a long time ago and I refuse to serve anyone who is pregnant and wants to drink. There's a gal who comes in who drinks Shirley Temples and I'll gladly fill her order every time, but I have certain morals that make that part of my job very hard. I can't say to her "I won't serve you because you're pregnant" because that's discrimination, and it's her body so it's her choice... but I can say "I won't serve you simply because I don't want to." That's totally legal. Weird, right? It breaks my heart because we all know whiskey and babies don't mix. But there are so many women out there who simply cannot have their own children and well, you know where I'm going with this. I just won't stand for it. I think the other bartender got a little irritated at me because the girl came to order 4 drinks from me and I just walked off. I just cannot do it.) Then another situation transpired and I'm just glad I got out of there and went home to sleep.
Today Mike and I are going to spend the day together since he has the day off. It's already almost 3pm and I have to leave for work at 8 but a few hours will be nice.
There are still some sponsorship spots open and I'm keeping them open in case anyone else wants to partake in the Red Cross drive (as seen here). So far we've raised $100! It's still open for one more week so don't worry, you've got time!
Forever 21 dress
Target cardigan
Target tights
Blowfish shoes
Kaelah Bee Handmade headband
Forever 21 purse
PS; I'm thinking about putting all of my variations of these headbands on my Etsy just to offset the insane financial costs of Georgia and Pipkin's surgeries coming up. I have a ridiculous amount of them made for a craft fair I was going to apply to but right now I think the focus should be on paying for their surgeries instead. Let me know if you think you'd be interested, and I'll try to get those up ASAP!
PPS; You can get 15% off your Blowfish Shoes order by using the code BFKAELAH15! Wahoo!
Ohmygoodness. Hearts the dress. I have a similar vintagey floral one I got at Body Shop last month to wear to my bridal shower. I am overwhelmed with the adorable stuff out this season. <3
ReplyDeletePS - hope you are feeling better! :)
Wow, the belt REALLY adds an amazing vibe to the whole outfit, and I LOVE the dress! Great combination.
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better soon, and hope your doggies' surgeries go smoothly ♥.
That belt is such a great piece with the dress! And good for you for not serving that woman alcohol :)
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling better soon, Kaelah! I adore your headbands and your Easter outfit was simply stunning :) Hope works not too bad tonight! I'll cross my fingers for you <3
ReplyDeleteBefore I even read what you said about people thinking you're "hard"...I was thinking about how much I love your style. Your dark hair, gauges, and tattoos are a perfect offset to your big flowers in your hair and adorable dresses. I love it! =]
ReplyDeleteThat makes me so sick. What century are we in? Does she want to make her child disabled just so she can have a couple nights of fun? People like her are the reason why so many children are in adoption agencies, and why children have to suffer all their lives for their mother's choice. So disgusting that there are people like that out there!
ReplyDeleteYou look lovely. Ugh, I wouldn't know what to do if i were working at a bar and that happened to me! You did the right thing I think x
ReplyDeleteI love this outfit! Beautiful dress on a beautiful gal :) LOveing the headband too!!
ReplyDeleteGood for you and sticking to your morals about pregnant women drinking. I mean, you could've easily served the girl because it's your job to, but I'm glad you didn't let your job responsibility interfere with what you think is right.
ReplyDeleteOh, and you look just lovely, as usual :)
owww you make me want to shop forever21 now! i love that store.. and these pictures! lovely outfit:)!
ReplyDeleteLove your outfit Kaelah- very 'easter' indeed! and I often feel the same way- people think I'll be into hardcore metal music just because of my tattoos, but honestly, I love Taylor Swift and almost anything BUT metal! :) And 'amen sister!' for sticking to your guns about not serving a pregnant lady whisky! You'd think it'd be common sense for a mom-to-be, but apparently not! It's great people like you that will make the greatest of moms :) And yes, I'd like to see your headbands!
ReplyDeleteAhh! Oh my gosh, that outfit is just darling. I love the colors. Really pretty and spring like! ♥
ReplyDeleteThis is my new favourite outfit on you. So cute. Also I would LOVE if you put your headbands up for sale. I've wanted one SO bad since you first showed off your white one. <3
ReplyDeleteLove love love this outfit! I can't believe that woman with the alcohol,but good for you,I would've done the same thing. Ugh. People are so dumb >_< Anyway...moving on,enjoy your afternoon with Mike! :)
ReplyDeleteLove this outfit! especially how you added in the belt for some edge !
ReplyDeleteAdorable outfit, I love the bag and belt :)
You look amazing (as usual)! :) I am sickened by the types of people who allow themselves to become parents. I know it can't be helped, but it makes me physically sick that the child she is having has NO say over what she is doing. It's sick.
ReplyDeletePlease do list them! I would love to buy one!
I think you did the right thing standing up for what you believe. On a happier note, I absolutely adore your outfit, it is so cute!! One of my favourites so far xxx
ReplyDeleteI love your outfit! Super pink and super adorable!
ReplyDeleteI love the outfit. The dress and belt are just fantastic together. Thank you so much for sticking to what you believe in about not serving the pregnant woman. I am an adoptive mom and there are so many of us that are raising kids that had moms that drank during their pregnancy. Thanks for doing your part! Love your blog! Love your style!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love your outfit here!
ReplyDeleteThe belt is the first thing I noticed and it works perfectly! So bummed I didn't get dolled up for Easter this year. Ah well, next time!
ReplyDeleteI love having twitter now - it's like a sneak peak into what's coming up with my favorite bloggers. Sorry you had to deal with the bartending drama - but good for your for following your morals!
Good luck raising money for Georgia Sue and Miss Pip! It's mind-numbing how expensive pup surgeries can be. If I weren't having an unexpected slew of car/tuition/life expenses I would love to buy a headband or 5 and snag a donation sponsor spot!
You look adorable, and i love the white bag!
ReplyDeletethat dress is super cute! I pair cute dresses with leather jacket :)
ReplyDeletethe headband is awesome! i understand you want to raise money for the surgeries but i wouldn't want you to miss out on a craft fair because of it!
ReplyDeletei really like that dress too =)
I kicked someone out of a house party I threw years ago because she was smoking while pregnant. I booted her out of the parking lot even. What the fuck is wrong with people.
ReplyDeleteI really love how you pulled this outfit together. The belt and the black tights are so unexpected with that dress but it really works.
you look so awesomely adorable! Very Pretty in Pink- girly and punky at the same time.
ReplyDeleteI hated women who did that when I was a server. Luckily no one at my tables, but I knew others that had them and management wouldn't let them say no. We had some staff meetings about it- even if you are morally objective to it the management made you serve them.
I am absolutely livid about the pregnant lady at the bar. How disgusting.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you not wanting to serve a heavily pregnant woman alcohol.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely get one of the flower headbands if you put them on etsy :-)
The colours are lovely in this outfit :-)
ReplyDeleteThere's been a TV program about pregnant women being "bad" on in the UK recently... some were still smoking 40 cigarettes a day, others obese and only getting bigger, some were drinking off the scale every weekend.... it was shocking, I couldn't watch it! So I'd be exactly the same as you!
Pretty pretty outfit tho :-)
Dayner x
The thing I love most about these pictures is that your tights are all wrinkled on the one ankle like a little girl :)
ReplyDeleteWe called them "elephant knees" or "elephant ankles", but I thought I would clarify and not just say I liked your elephant ankles, since if you don't know what I mean it could be highly offensive :)
Cutie pie :)
Right when I saw the belt I was like, what a unique twist! This is great!
ReplyDeleteAlso I admire your stance with pregnancy and alcohol and think it's ridiculous the other bartender was irritated.
love the outfit and that gorgeous bow!!!
ReplyDeleteYou look gorgeous as always! Love the dress! Hope you are feeling better!
You look like you walked straight out of a Disney movie, such a princess!
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling better soon!
omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgogmomg I LOVE the rose on your dress and the dress is so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI am in love with this outfit. You look so gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI squealed a little when I saw this post! You look so beautiful and springy! You're like my poster girl for Easter. Love it!
ReplyDeleteI admire your stance on not serving alcohol to pregnant women! She can make choices for her body, but there's another little body inside her that should be protected! :)
ReplyDeletekudos for sticking to your morals and not compromising....it is really disturbing that people forget they are responsible for what's inside them, and that can't speak for itself. on the upside, this outfit looks adorbs as do you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis dress is AMAZING! Did you recently get it at forever21? I just checked online and didn't see it. Sometimes dresses just call to you, this one maaaajorly calls to me!
ReplyDeleteI love your mix of girly, and funky pieces! Your headband/headpiece is seriously so adorable!
ReplyDeleteIm so jealous of all your clothes , I would love to just steal your wardrobe !
ReplyDeleteGood on you for walking away from preggo lady xx