// Mintsicle

First things first - check out that sunburn! It was not nearly as bad as it appears in the photos... or maybe it was and it just didn't feel like it. I tried taking advantage of the first "summery" day earlier this week by laying out on my parents' deck. I know it's super bad to roast yourself in the sun, but it was nice and relaxing for the hour that I had to myself. I didn't feel like I got any sun really, but the sunburn showed up later that night in all it's glory! Every one of my tattoos were slathered with SPF 50+, but I guess I got a lil' big for my britches by putting some tanning oil on the non-tattooed parts. Yow! Lesson learned. I think I prefer the sun-less rub-on kind of tan haha Moving on... (that photo below... yeah I don't know that. The pose is redonk.)
How amazing is this dress? Don't you love how I say that about every dress ever?! Well, this dress was a challenge. I first saw it at TJ Maxx a couple of months ago and immediately knew I had to have it. It was a Jessica Simpson dress and the only size they had was a 6. HA! Good luck KB. I took down all of the tag information and proceeded to call every single TJ Maxx in middle Tennessee on the hunt for it. I found it in a size 10 at one store, but I didn't like the length. A few weeks later I found it in a 14 at a store but it was too big. Lo and behold one fateful shopping day, I found it in a 12! Huzzah! I had seriously returned this very same dress at least 2 or 3 times on my weeks-long hunt, but I finally found it! I was *this* close to paying full retail price ($138! but it's currently 40% off!) at Nordstrom just to have it, but I saved a whopping $88 by snagging it for under $50! If you watch New Girl then you may recognize it as the same dress that Zooey Deschanel wore on the show recently. I've had it for a few weeks now and the newness still hasn't worn off. I love it so much. It's a nice, thick fabric with some crochet detailing. It won't whip around in the wind!

I paired it with my trusty ol' polka dot cardigan and my new favorite necklace (it's even prettier in person!) from The Northern Sea. Seriously, this necklace is on point. I feel like it's the perfect complement to the JS dress. Mike actually picked out the shoes for this outfit. I was leaning toward my MIA Jukebox wedges (as always!) but realized I had worn all 3 pairs I own just this week. A nice neutral platform for the win.
Wednesday we drove up to Nashville to have dinner with two of my favorite people (and best friends) in the world: Elle and Bryan. They're packing up and moving to North Carolina in just 8 days and my heart is breaking. I'm going to miss them so much! I grew up 3 doors down from Bryan and we lived together for a while when I was in college (you may remember that if you were a reader of LCH from the very beginning!). Elle has been one of my dearest friends since freshmen year at O'More... I don't know what I'll do with myself! They just happen to be moving to our very favorite place (Wilmington!) so we're definitely going to visit, but I wish there wasn't going to be 700 miles between us. // Thursday was more of a laid back day, though Toby had a speech appointment so we did quite a bit of driving. Then when we got home his little neighbor friend came over to play. I love living where we do because Toby has so many friends to share his days with. It's really fun to see him grow as a social little dude.

Today I'm really hoping to finish up the last of some lingering design work for the week, and then get started on moving in Honeybean inventory. We open our doors for the first time this year in just 2 weeks, but we feel so unprepared! There are so many products that need to be made, ordered and accounted for. This is the first weekend in a while that we don't have any definite plans. I'm hoping it'll include a lot of relaxation and maybe some pool action, but I'm getting antsy for camping in the RV already! Any of y'all planning anything exciting for the weekend?!

Blowfish shoes


  1. That dress looks gorgeous on you! Glad you were finally able to hunt it down - that type of thing always happens to me <333

  2. that dress looks stunning on you! i love the color!


  3. I love you and your blog! I think you are so beautifully secure in yourself. You rock this mint dress as all of your other dresses! Where can I see some of you design work? I would love to peek at it. I love so much about your blog and it's professionalism. There is so much on it that I wish i knew how to do to get mine better. But, Time will get me there I guess. Keep being Your Amazing Self.

  4. I feel you on the sunburn. I was in Turkey last weekend and spend 30 minutes on a jetty and I came away with bright red shoulders. Lesson learnt the hard way! Just because it's winning doesn't mean you're not getting any sun!
    You look gorgeous in mint!

  5. OOOOOOH I love that dress! I'm glad you finally found it in the size you needed. I hate it when I find something I love and they don't have my size. I've never thought to call around, but that's smart!

    Hope you have a fun weekend! Oh and one of my best friends moved to NC after she got married, but luckily her husband was able to find a job back in West TN just a few years later. It was really fun to visit while she was there though!

  6. I would have totally hunted this dress down as well. The color and the little crochet detail is adorable! I love it! That sunburn looks like not a lot of fun.. always happens to me in one tiny spot though :(
    Hope y'all have an awesome weekend.

  7. Oh so many people are going to be like, ZOOEY!!, and buy that dress. (I'm fighting that urge myself.) It looks amazing on you, and I see why you had to hunt it down! You're a girl after my own heart when it comes to finding things on sale. I feel physically ill if I pay full price for clothes! And I kind of adore your "redonk" pose...

  8. I love this whole outfit. You look fab as always! xo

  9. hope the sunburn feels better! love the polka dots over the mint dress
    kw ladies in navy

  10. That dress is goooorgeous on you. It's the perfect mint color, and I can't get enough of mint being paired with black and white polka dots! What a great find. I hate when friends move :( a high school friend of mine just moved clear across the country (she's in Oregon now, and I'm in upstate NY), and even though we have luxuries like Facebook to keep in touch, it still makes me sad. At least you'll get to visit them in NC, though!

    xox Sammi

  11. such pretty colors! you're whole outfit is gorgeous :) nothing too crazy planned, my sister is graduating with her teaching credential tonight so that is pretty exciting! happy friday!

  12. Oh you lucky duck, I'd been trawling the internet for this dress and couldn't find it. I just wish I could justify spending that much money it on. You look beautiful :) x

  13. Those shoes kill me! Super-Cutie-Boot!!!

  14. I've been obsessing over that mint color! I was not really a pastel person but the mint has convinced me :) Love this entire outfit and that necklace is wonderful.

    xo Amber P.

  15. You look so lovely (even with sunburn!), this outfit is gorgeous. I really like that dress, and that necklace is HOTT!


  16. I love mint color, pretty dress ever!

  17. oh my gosh, I was wondering where that dress was from when I saw it on her ! I need to have it, it's so pretty. And you look amazing in it! <3

  18. That dress is absolutely gorgeous on you! I've just ordered it from Nordstrom. It is wicked expensive, but I'm in Oregon and our TJ Maxx stores don't have it :(. I have a wedding to go to next month and I think this dress will be perfect with a light shoulder wrap and some peep-toe heels. I never wear colorful dresses, so I'm really curious as to how it will work out!

  19. LOVE that dress, and pretty sure I've seen in it my TJ MAXX here in Minnesota! I work there so I get 90% of my dresses (and wardrobe) from there...haha.


  20. What a good deal! It really is a gorgeous dress. I love that colour on you!


  21. I think this is one of my favourite outfits of yours! I love the polka-dot cardigan, and mint is my new favourite colour ♥

    You look super pretty, even with the sunburn ;) I get sunburnt so easily, so I try to always carry around sunscreen with super high SPF - my boyfriend always makes fun of me because of this :D

  22. is it just me or did you stop biting your nails ? :D
    great outfit, as usual <3

    1. yep! 7 weeks strong! sadly i broke a few on my left hand yesterday (they're just not strong yet) but i finally kicked the habit!

  23. I love the mint with the polka dot cardi! My kind of outfit :)

    You put some effort in to get that dress, I'm so pleased you managed to find it just right!


  24. I love this dress too! And high five for hunting it down 'Jess' style! ( I feel like its something she would do haha) and your necklace is too gorgeous!


  25. Sunburn and all, you look great ;) I love mint so much lately and you look amazing in this dress! You and Zooey have good taste!

    xo Ashley

  26. Glad I'm not the only one who does that. If I find something I like at a TJ Maxx or Marshalls that's not in my size, I will check every store for it before giving up! Love the dress, glad you found your size:)

  27. LOVE LOVE LOVE this dress!


  28. That dress is so pretty! I hadly ever go to Marshall's or T.J Max because I can never find anything I like when I do, but maybe it's time that I start!

    Sunburns are the worst! I'm über pale, so I burn really easy - last week I got a slight burn in my "driving" arm from driving in the car for a total if 1 1/2 hours tops! Ugh! At least it was only slightly sore, and only for the next day. I think I need to become BFFs with the sun screen this year...

  29. Love that color! So cute.

    I'm really fair skinned so I act like a vampire outside, haha. Plus my senior year of high school I did more than enough damage to my skin to last a lifetime. I was such a tanning bed junkie! Hope the burn doesn't (er didn't? hello late commenting, lol) last long!

  30. This dress looks awesome on you! I thought I recognized it as a Zooey dress, but wasn't sure until you said so. I really love the polka dot cardigan and cool platform shoes you paired with it.


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB