Let's check out Tiffany's interview!

Hi Tiffany! We're so excited to have you here on LCH as one of our sponsors this month! Maybe you could start off by introducing yourself to the LCH readers?
Hello, I'm Tiffany and I am an artist through and through. I became interested in art at a young age. Throughout high school my favorite classes were ceramics, photography, fashion merchandising and of course art. I have studied all types of art as a young adult including marketing, photography, and art history.
Judging by your Etsy sales you're relatively new to the wig-making game! What was your initial venture on Etsy and are you still involved in it?
Well yes I am quite a newbie when it comes to the art of creating wigs. My original venture on Etsy was graphic design. I still love design but am more satisfied with producing tangible items not just jpegs and pdf files.

When did you first get involved in making wigs and how did that come about for you?
I have naturally curly dirty blonde hair so through my teenage years I have always envied other girls that had straight hair or girls that could try so many of the in-style hair cuts. Being limited to my same boring hair led me to wigs. With wigs I can have any color or cut I want. My wigs are all heat styleable too, meaning I can curl them one day and straighten them the next.
Where do you draw your inspiration for colors, cuts and styles from?
I love splashes of color in fashion and art. I can be feeling down and just add one accessory that is a bright color and lift my whole mood. I feel wigs are a fashion accessory and with a colored wig you can change your whole look and mood. I love current cuts of the Emo and Scene girls, but I also love the classic romance of curls. I am also a leader of the Etsy Anime Team. It's very fun to create anime costly wigs for people to wear.

Can you tell us about your creative process?
I put on some music or maybe watch the suneset, or listen to the birds singing then ideas will start to pop into my head for colors and cuts. Inspiration is all around us, we just have to open our eyes and ears to really feel it.
I know from firsthand experience how ruthless the Etsian competition can be. How do you go about your day to day life as a business owner and try to ensure success?
The competition on Etsy is very fierce. I say to be a success on Etsy means finding a niche market, and staying true to yourself. To ensure success you also need new products and great photos.

Do you currently have any other creative ventures in the works?
I am always up to something new! I am currently developing a website to see my wigs and other items on. Probably opening in the next few months.
Where would you like to see yourself and your business in 1 year? 3 years? 5 year?
1 year - I would like to just continue learning more about wig design and increase sales. 3-5 years- I would really like to see my wigs in the fashion world, perhaps print work.

What is your ultimate career goal? Do you think having an Etsy shop will help you attain this?
My ultimate career goal is to continue my hearts passion to create art that makes me and others happy. I think having an Etsy shop is always a great way to create a following.
If you could give advice to anyone interested in starting their own Etsy, what would you say?
I would of course tell them to be patient. Sometimes it takes a long time to get those first sales. Stay true to yourself and be respectful to other sellers.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Some of you may have seen the photo that I tweeted/Instagram'd last night with my curly red hair... some of you may also be aware that I dyed my hair back dark last month (but have yet to share on the blog! I know! Soon, I promise!).. many of you asked if the red was back but not exactly... it's a wig though! Tiffany sent me this wig and it arrived yesterday so I haven't had a lot of time to play with it and really test out the quality and see if it'd tangle, frizz or if the curls would fall, but I can safely say that it's very very soft and the curls are beautiful. I like a lot of volume at the root so it was a little hard to tease simply because the hair is so silky and the curls are heavy, but just playing around with it for a bit I was able to get it to do exactly what I wanted. Tiffany says that all of her wigs are heat stylable but I haven't ventured in that arean yet either. I'm almost too intimidated to wear it! It's just so pretty! When I put it on for my mom and her friend to see, they both said it looked very natural! That's a good thing! I feel like a Disney princess in my red wig and it's nice to feel like I can still have my red hair that I loved without killing my natural hair in the process! Here are a few photos from today (nevermind the gloomy weather!). Check back tomorrow for more pictures from this fun little field shoot!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
And the best part yet? Tiffany is offering up a $75 shop credit to her Etsy so you can pick out your favorite wig to sport about town! Check out how to enter below!
All you need to do to enter the giveaway is: Visit Tiffany's shop and leave a comment below with your favorite wig and what you'd wear it with/what you'd go do!
For additional entries,
- Tweet about the giveaway and tag @tiffdemichele (include a link here such as this one: http://tinyurl.com/48zkq6m) Leave a comment below with a link to the tweet!
- Follow @tiffdemichele on Twitter and leave a comment below saying so!
- Become a Facebook Fan of TiffanyDeMichele and leave a comment below saying so!
- Blog abou the giveaway and leave a link below!
A winner will be chosen via Random.org and announced on Saturday, February 12th! Good luck to everyone who enters!
I love her cotton candy wig! I'd wear it with my Megan Maude skirt and Victorian lace blouse...:)
ReplyDeleteI love this wig:
I would wear it for a night out on the town with my girlfriends!
Love, love the messy pink cotton candy colored wig! So cute! I would wear it everywhere with every kind of clothing I own. Haha! :]
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I follow @tiffdemichele on twitter! ♥
I liked her facebook page (kinsey french). ♥
Oh wow, I normally don't like the idea of wigs because they never look real but I really love your red wig! It definitely suits you and looks fab. I dabbled in clip on extensions (because the other ones are so bad for your hair) but these look great if you just want to have some temporary fun!
ReplyDeleteI love the bordeaux burgundy wig! I have black hair right now and I really wanna go red but I'm not brave enough. This would be perfect! I would wear it on a daily basis I think hahaha! http://www.etsy.com/listing/66708147/blowout-sale-bordeaux-burgundy-wig-long
ReplyDeleteI also tweeted and followed Tiffany!: http://twitter.com/#!/missjenniferliz/status/34010764503154688
I also liked her on Facebook!
so many great wigs! i'd try the pink or the blue- i've always died to try fun colored hair.
ReplyDeletei would love to do this wig. i am a natural blond but always wanted to try darker hair but am a wimp! this would be a good alternative!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com
this is so funny cuz i was just looking at her shop lusting over those awesome wigs!
ReplyDeleteim really loving the straight red wig with bangs!
id wear this when im out craft shopping and just in my little sewing room! ;)
i tweeted this giveaway!
i followed her on twitter!
i liked her on facebook as well!
ReplyDeleteI love the Cotton Candy Pink Wig with Silver Grey Streaks! I would wear it forever, basically.
ReplyDeletedrovepast @ lj
I would wear this wig with a cute little dress to a picnic! http://www.etsy.com/listing/64804283/blowout-sale-auburn-roxy-red-wig-heat
i've actually had my eye on the red wig you're wearing for a few weeks now! i recently gave up my bright red hair for nursing school, so i'd wear the wig anywhere and everywhere outside of class!
oh, and i'm also following tiffany on twitter now!
Hi Kaelah! Also, hi to Tiffany if you read this! Also, hi to everyone! Hope you all have a lovely day! Anyway, my favourite wig is the Sweet Valentine Pink Wig, and I would wear it curled, with this dress I am hoping to get for my birthday (http://www.modcloth.com/store/ModCloth/Womens/Dresses/The+Heirloom+Dress), a grey cardigan, some cute flats, and my vintage locket :) I would go for tea with my best friend, and also, it would be warm, because that dress is not suited for Canadian winters ;)
ReplyDeleteHi Kaelah! Also, hi to Tiffany if you read this! Also, hi to everyone! Hope you all have a lovely day! Anyway, my favourite wig is the Sweet Valentine Pink Wig, and I would wear it curled, with this dress I am hoping to get for my birthday (http://www.modcloth.com/store/ModCloth/Womens/Dresses/The+Heirloom+Dress), a grey cardigan, some cute flats, and my vintage locket :) I would go for tea with my best friend, and also, it would be warm, because that dress is not suited for Canadian winters ;)
ReplyDeleteMessy Candy Pink Wig with Silver Streaks is the wig I'd pick.
I just had a baby last month & have -NO- time for myself. Having such an amazing wig would mean at least my hair could look faboo every day! The fun colours would let me keep my sense of style & individuality... which all moms know can be hard to do sometimes ^_^ I'd love to wear it to playdates & see the smiles on the toddlers faces!
Liked Tiffany DeMichele Fashion Forward on Facebook! (Manda Rin)
ReplyDeleteOOOH! more pretty wigs! they are all amazing but i am magically drawn to this one
how pretty!!
I would wear that with.. everything i own since it would brighten every piece of cloth up... and even in bed ^^
i tweeted .. tweet tweet http://twitter.com/#!/MarySew/statuses/34023102409089024
ReplyDeletei love love love the auburn foxy red, or the cotton candy pink the most.. i can't choose!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness!! I LOOOOVE the (ariel) RED WIG! The style and color would be perfect to transform my look forr a night on the town. I'm in a fairly conservative field-so I can't really dye my hair bright colors but I would LOVE LOVE LOVe this wig to rock a look!
ReplyDeletei am soooo in love with the 23" teal wig, and would basically wear it anywhere that wasn't work, since work requres me to have "normal" hair now. :(
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the teal wig! I'd probably wear it every day with anything & everything just to add a little pizzaz and not have to worry about the mess that my hair currently is ;D
ReplyDeleteI have pretty short hair right now (like, shorter than chin length), which I'm trying to grow out. It'd be nice to be able to switch to the long hair I covet without waiting a couple of years! I'd probably choose the Bordeaux Burgundy because I dye my hair red, and generally opt for a natural-but-funky look as far as my hair goes.
ReplyDeletesquirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com
more pretty wigs!
i would do the
Cotton Candy wig, think it's glamourous and a great way to have something completely different from my au natural :]
I love the auburn wig and I would probably wear it everywhere lol. It's the kind of red that I want but am unable to achieve without bleaching my hair and I don't want to do that. So it's a good replacement.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun giveaway! I would get the Auburn Roxy Red wig. I love the color and style. I dye my hair red and it's SO hard to keep up so this would be great!
I liked TIffany on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteCheers -
And I followed her on Twitter! Hooray!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway! :) I loved this one http://www.etsy.com/listing/66935507/blowout-sale-messy-candy-pink-wig-with
ReplyDeleteI have dyed my hair every different color there is, pink, blue, green, and I can't do it anymore. I damaged my hair so badly it almost all fell out! So, I'll be natural hued for a long time now. I already have natural long hair color wigs...and I love wigs...now I'll be using wigs to have unnatural colored hair too...her wigs look lovely...and whoever win's will be so lucky to add this accessory to their wardrobe!!! :) Hearts, Janna Lynn
Yay, another wig giveaway!! :)
ReplyDeleteI love the one you have. That's the one I would choose. :) I'd wear it with everything!
I follow Tiffany on twitter
ReplyDeleteI "like" Tiffany on Facebook
ReplyDeleteand I blogged about this giveaway!
I love the Auburn curly wig and Sweet Valentine pink wig! I'd wear them all the time :) I think having a wig with a new color is the perfect way to welcome Spring!
ReplyDeleteI was just looking at her shop last night and I would love to have the teal wig. I've always wanted teal hair but I don't want to go through the process. I'd wear this wig with everything. But the outfit I have in mind is my pencil skirt and a ruffley pink blouse.
ReplyDeleteI tweeted. http://twitter.com/duhrobyn/status/34034825509740544
ReplyDeleteI also followed her on twitter.
I liked on facebook!
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE the Auburn Roxy Wig. I'm a natural red head, but I've always wondered what it'd be like to have deeper kind of darker red hair.
ReplyDeleteI'd wear it to work all the time! Those curls are gorgeous!
Oh my gosh I can't choose one. I'm going to be in a pickle if I win... My three favourites are the green straight, purple straight, and teal w/ curls. They all look so soft and natural! I'd wear any of them for some fun photoshoots and for a night out dancing... or even just on my days off (I don't know if I could have green/purple/teal hair at my work haha)
ReplyDeleteI tweeted about the giveaway:
I also now follow Tiffany on Twitter. :)
ReplyDeleteI also blogged about it on my tumblr!
I also just became a fan on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteI would go with the purple layered wig. :) I'd wear it with everything and my fiancée would have to chase me down the street to get me to take it off. lol. Never thought I would wear a wig but you rock em! Tiffany- your wigs look amazing!
ReplyDeleteAnd I blogged about the giveaway!
And finally, I am a Facebook fan as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks! <3
Lovely giveaway! I like this one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/66708147/blowout-sale-bordeaux-burgundy-wig-long I like it because its so very different from my own hair. I think I'd wear it on a date with hubby or to the opera with friends.
ReplyDeleteI love this the most! http://www.etsy.com/listing/64804283/blowout-sale-auburn-roxy-red-wig-heat
ReplyDeleteI'd wear a cute light blue dress with it :)
Liked on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteRetweeted! (statitionary)
ReplyDeleteFollowing on Twitter! (statitionary)
ReplyDeletei love this wig:
and i would wear it whenever i feel like a mermaid! which is all the time. and i'd clearly wear it with my sea shell bra! ;]
following @tiffdemichele on twitter!
ReplyDeleteThere are too many I want but I'd start with the long black biker wig. Thanks to genetics, my hair started turning white and instead of looking like Lily Munster, I opted to dye it. Now I've resorted to dying it blond because I can go longer between colorings but OH how I miss my long dark hair! What would I wear this with? Everything! And nothing!
ReplyDeleteaaaand i liked her facebook page!
ReplyDeleteLove the Auburn! I'd wear it with tall black boots and a gorgeous yellow top. :)
ReplyDeleteI follow!
ReplyDeleteAriel Valentine red wig! It's gorgeous, and brings me back to my red hair days. Would love to rock it in some photoshoots!
Liked on FB & added to my page favs
ReplyDeleteNow following on twitter and retweeted the sale
ReplyDeleteI love the Auburn Roxy Red Wig! I have always wanted long, curly hair. I would wear it out on a date, grocery shopping, everywhere.
ReplyDeleteid wear it everyday with everything! haha :p
im in the process of growing out my hair and have been looking for a great wig to wear and these are beautiful!!! i really hope i can win this one!
I would want the Auburn Roxy Red Wig and I would probably wear it a little bit of everywhere. I could make it look like my fiance was stepping out on me...lol.
ReplyDeleteI have also become a fan on facebook. :)
ReplyDeleteAre you REALLY going to make me choose Kaelah? Then fine, the auburn is my favourite! I've been dying to have long red hair for the longest time, but that seems to be a bit impossible unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteI'd wear it with this gorgeous black and white daisy-patterned dress I got just today, some peacock feather earrings and cherry red coloured Doc Martens.
Yum, I love creating outfits.
Oh, and followed on Twitter! xo
ReplyDeleteAaaaand just for good measure I became a fan on Facebook! (Daisy-Lola Sowter is my full name if you need proof :P)
ReplyDeleteOh, and was I supposed to leave my email? I assume you have it because this is a Google account but just for good measure... daisysowter@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHere is my fourth/fifth entry via a Tumblr post which I hope counts as a blog entry!
(Sorry the link isn't in tinyurl form.)
i would love a firey red wig! i would use it in a lot of photoshoots! it would be so great!
I 'liked' her on fb (:
ReplyDeleteKalynn Rose
I love the Bordeaux Burgundy Wig,
ReplyDeleteI'd wear it on a daily basis everywhere!! (:
kalynn rose
I heart the roxy red wig, I would wear it EVERYWHERE since my own hair is so impossible to curl I don't think I'd be able to take it off once I'd put it on lol
ReplyDeleteMiss Kaelah, that color is stunning on you if I do say so myself! I wish I could dye my own hair that shade of red <3
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to Tiffany! :)
you look amazing with red hair.
ReplyDeletei friended her on twitter. (kellixo :))
i've been on the lookout for wigs just to try. not sure what color looks great on me because my pale skin color but i'd LOVE to go platinum blonde or even try a light pink
so i'd probably try the cotton candy orrr my sexy valentine.
probably would just wear it with what i normally wear because i'm borrrrrring. but it'd be fun to dress up the part!
I always, always, always wanted pink hair, so I'd have to go for the Long layered pink wig. I couldn't think of one thing I'd wear it with, pink tresses would suit ALL my clothes, haha! But at a pinch I'd pair it with my new black playsuit (with nude/pinky coloured horses on it) and toweringly high heels!
I'm also following Tiffany on Twitter!
Annnnnnnnd, I've become a Facebook fan!
ReplyDeleteI'm keeping my fingers crossed until you announce the winner!
My favourite is: Messy Candy Pink Wig with Silver Streaks
ReplyDeleteI'd wear it with high waisted shorts and a crean button down shirt. My boyfriend is in a band so I'd wear it to his shows!
Wow! I love this giveaway! If I win I would get her latte brown wig (long and wavy) and I would wear it with a lolita dress! I think it will look great!
ReplyDeleteTweeted: Click here
ReplyDeletecontactarisalee (at) yahoo (dot) com
Followed Tiffany DeMichele on Twitter as arisaayanami.
ReplyDeletecontactarisalee (at) yahoo (dot) com
I fanned her on FB!
ReplyDeleteUsername: Lhizette
contactarisalee (at) yahoo (dot) com
i have always wanted to have fun pink or blue hair...i LOVE this wig here(the dark cotton candy pink): http://www.etsy.com/listing/64804198/blowout-sale-dark-cotton-candy-pink-wig
ReplyDelete& i would wear it downtown/out one night and try to trick people into thinking it was real! i would pair it with the new pink lace shorts from F21 that i ordered online, my thigh high black boots and a black off the shoulder top...CUTE!
also, i follow her on twitter now! :)
ReplyDeletealso, i am now a fan of hers on facebook!!
ReplyDelete& i tweeted about the giveaway:
(gosh i want to win this so bad!!)
oh god, i want to win! i love all the wigs, but i think this green one is the best: http://www.etsy.com/listing/66935783/blowout-sale-green-wig-long-layered
ReplyDeletei love wigs, i wear mine all of the time everywhere i go.
i love the red & blonde wigs - it'd be nice to get to be a blonde for once!
ReplyDeleteAhh I would love to win this so I could finally get a candy pink wig! I have been wanting one for so long because I don't think my hair could handle the bleach it would take to go pink. If I got this though, I could see myself wearing it 24/7...fingers crossed! nataliierose@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI followed her on twitter...you can check at twitter.com/nataliierose! xo
tweeted about the giveaway! http://twitter.com/nataliierose/status/34099726399836161
ReplyDeletefingers crossed! nataliierose@gmail.com
I love this one (it was featured in the article):
ReplyDeleteBright Teal Wig //Heat Styleable // Long Wavy and Bangs
But the cute red curly one in the custom color emerald (or auburn)
I'm obsessed with this wig -->http://www.etsy.com/listing/66935507/blowout-sale-messy-candy-pink-wig-with
ReplyDeleteI've been wearing a wig for a couple of months now and I love how it's a fun, and easy way to switch things up! I'm pretty sure if I got my hands on this wig I would rock it everywhere and wear it with anything! I've been looking for a nice pink wig online that didn't look costume-y! Now I'll get to have the pink hair of my fantasies. :)
i've been dying to have cotton candy pink hair forever. i just can't because of my internship. i would wear the pink wig on my birthday, out to the bars and even grocery shopping :)
ReplyDeletefollowed her on twitter! :)
ReplyDeleteliked her on facebook :)
ReplyDeletetweeted as well :)
I LOVE the auburn roxy wig.
ReplyDeleteI ordered a wig from miss violet lace the other day, but when I was ordering it the other day I was tempted to buy this one instead.
Its a natural enough color that I could wear to work/school/everywhere.
Seeing on you looks awesome. Maybe itll be my next one if I get used to wearing the one I just ordered!
also blogged about it!
This one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/64804283/blowout-sale-auburn-roxy-red-wig-heat
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd wear it with everything! I've been dying my hair red for a few months and it fades so fast and is so expensive that I can't do it anymore and I'm so sad to say goodbye.
Oh my. That was hard! I want all of them! I'm in the military and we are only allowed to dye our hair a colour we could have been born with so I'd have to go with one of the foxy red or cotton candy ones! Both would be worn with one of my many vintage dresses and I'd wear it to the airport next time I fly in to visit my Mum. The look on her face would be priceless!
ReplyDeleteTids xx
ReplyDeleteI love, love, LOVE this wig. I love it because I'd be able to finally experience blonde hair without frying the crap out of my own! haha. I also love it because it would be a cute summer look that I could even wear to WORK if I wanted to. How awesome is that?!
Oh wow, I love the wig
ReplyDeleteIt suits your perfectly! I really like the red wig, it's gorgeous on ya!
This is def. my favorite:
That pink color is so cute! I'd wear it with jeans & a tee, of course, and go out with the girls. That would be some serious fun!
*not an entry!!!!!*
ReplyDeletei "entered" by tweeting but my tweet was wrong. so i *retweeted*!!
Ooh! This is great! I checked out here etsy shop the other day from the link on your sidebar and loved everything!! :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is the Messy Candy Pink Wig with Silver Streaks one. It just has an air of 'super hero' about it. I'd wear it out to a concert or festival and just give people long, serious glances, in a 'yes, I have super powers' kind of way.
That would be so cute to wear to a summer music festival! :)
I've been considering buying a new high quality wig, my hair is currently pink, but I think I'm going to have to dye it a more natural colour to try and get work, and because it's starting to fry a little. This store has a few wigs in the top of my 'wig wishlist'
ReplyDeleteSo hard to pick just one favourite! I think it would be the Messy Candy Pink Wig with Silver Streaks!
Tweeted - https://twitter.com/#!/natatree/status/34168494673108993
I also follow her on Twitter & Facebook!
Gosh, lot of things i adore, but this one is the faviest http://www.etsy.com/listing/66708147/blowout-sale-bordeaux-burgundy-wig-long.
ReplyDeleteI will use it for hanging out with my bf :) He must be shocked seeing it :)
I follow @tiffdemichele on twitter bird name doki doki co :)
I already fan of Tiffany DeMichele Fashion Forward in FB name doki doki co :)
I twit here http://twitter.com/#!/dokidokico/status/34172834603343872
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
oh my, i love the Valentine wig! like you, kaelah, i was once a brilliant red head. i recently went back dark as well :( not that i dont love it, but there are days where i miss my red. i would wear it with anything on the days i miss my red hair the most!
ReplyDeleteI love the bright teal long wavy with bangs wig. I used to have my hair the EXACT same colour, but I'm going to be going back to school to be a teacher, so I can't dye my hair crazy colours anymore. To be honest, I would probably wear it everywhere!
ReplyDeleteI love the Spice Orange Wig! It would be such a wonderful color to bring in spring! So cute!
ReplyDeleteI loved the Bordeaux Burgundy wig - it's the kind of colour I'd LOVE to dye my hair, but I'm not sure how it would look. So a wig would be perfect!
ReplyDeleteI also followed on Twitter! (I'm Missishx if you need to check)
ReplyDeleteIt's a tie between the Auburn Roxy Red Wig and the Bordeaux Burgundy Wig. I've wanted red hair for ages but my hair doesn't hold red dye for very long. I would wear this all the time hands down, for a lovely change.
Also followed @tiffdemichele on twitter
ReplyDeleteteal wig teal wig teal wig! eeek! the long wavy & bangs. oh my goodness. so perfect.
ReplyDeletemy tweet :)
i'm also now following her on twitter! yay!
ReplyDeletei would go with the teal wig heat stylable one id wear it all the time i used to have purple hair and i loved it so much!
Oh my gosh! I would love to win this for my birthday (valentines day) :O
And I would wear it with everything. hehe
I'm following Tiffany on twitter (Choconaut23)
ReplyDeleteI love Beauty Queen Blonde Wig!
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna wear it for cute cosplays :P
Follow @tiffdemichele on Twitter as quinieleong
Facebook Fan of TiffanyDeMichele
ReplyDeleteLeong Quinie
ooooo i love the pink one with the purple streaks! i use to dye my hair in funky colors when i was younger but just can't bring myself to do it permanently again
ReplyDeletefollowing via twitter @ohsnaplizzie
ReplyDeleteliked on facebook!
ReplyDeletei love the Auburn Roxy Red Wig Heat Styleable Curly Long Wig. i'd wear it out on the weekends to try it out and see what people said :)
I really love this one : http://www.etsy.com/listing/64804283/blowout-sale-auburn-roxy-red-wig-heat
ReplyDeleteI wanted to dye my hair that color, but din't dare. I would wear it all the time :)
i tweeted!
i follow tiffdemichele on twitter!
i blogged!
i'm a facebook fan!
i am really loving the auburn color. it really does look real from what i can tell in the pictures. want want want!
ReplyDeletei'm now following @tiffdemichele !
ReplyDeletei liked her on facebook
i tweeted about this
im also following on twitter
ReplyDeletetweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/ohmymichellem
ReplyDeleteI love the wig that was given to you. I looked at her wigs after seeing the one that Susannah Bean has and I really really wanted to buy the Auburn Roxy Red Wig which I think is the one that you have. I dye my hair a lot, right now it pretty short (in an a line to just under my ears) but I am trying to grow it out I love long hair lately! I think I would wear this wig every where!!! I haven't had a job for the past 4 months so I am unable to purchases it do to lack of money. =( I hope I win so that I could get the wig that I so badly want!!!! Thank you for the opportunity!!
ReplyDeleteI love her wigs!!! I am a fan on facebook!!
ReplyDeleteI have wanted to dye my hair teal for the longest time, but didn't want to damage my healthy hair so the Teal Wig with Long Wavy and Bangs is PERFECT. I can't imagine what I wouldn't wear it with, and I would wear it on the daily! You always have the best give-a-ways ms. Kaelah bee :]
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I would go with the same wig that you've been sporting! The Auburn Roxy Red Wig. http://www.etsy.com/listing/64803785/blowout-sale-auburn-roxy-red-wig-heat
I would pair it with an awesome pink 50s day dress I have and go out on a date with my hubby :)
ReplyDeleteI tweeted it! XO
I'm also following @tiffdemichele on Twitter (@wtfcupcakes)
ReplyDeleteI "liked" her FB page (Whitney R)
ReplyDeleteThis teal wig is gorgeous! I would wear it whenever I wanted a little *pop* or some mermaid-inspired color to pretty much any outfit!
ReplyDeleteAND I blogged about it.
my favorite is actually the auburn one you're wearing, so gorgeous, doesn't even look like a wig!! i would wear it with a pretty little dress and high heels!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE the Spice Orange Wig / Curly Long Layers wig! I would totally wear it in one of my All Dressed Up shoots!!!
ReplyDeleteI follow her on FB too!!
i LOVE the auburn wig - http://www.etsy.com/listing/64803785/blowout-sale-auburn-roxy-red-wig-heat
ReplyDeletei would wear it every-single-day because seriously it is just so beautiful and would make all my outifts look outstanding!
i tweeted about it - http://twitter.com/#!/KimluvsBlythe/status/34413146672349184
ReplyDeletei am also following Tiffany on twitter!
ReplyDeleteand I also 'liked' her Facebook page!!
ReplyDeletetweeted about it :D
Oof! It's so hard to choose, but I think my favorite is the messy pink wig with silver streaks. I would definitely wear it to the middle school I teach in, to give a real shock to my eighth grade English class! HA!
ReplyDelete*fingers crossed*
Just liked her on FB, too!
ReplyDeleteAnnnnnd blogged about it
ReplyDeletei like this one! i have been trying to grow out my hair for years, and this would make it easier ... ;)
uh-oh! i just posted a comment with a wig choice in it, but i meant to link THIS ONE instead :(
i love the orange! and like i mentioned, i am trying to grow out my hair and this would make it easier, for sure!
sorry for the double comments... my oopsy! :(
Cotton candy pink for sure !!!! Pretty!
ReplyDeleteIf i had to pick only one it would be the Sweet Valentine Pink Wig, Long Layer. I love it so much and it reminds me of the pink hair i once had. and i would wear it with everything from dressed to jeans!
I looove the Auburn Roxy Red Wig. I would wear it with my bustle that I got from Lovechild Boudoir.
following tiffdemichele. @ellaanachronism
ReplyDeletetweet. http://twitter.com/ellaanachronism/status/34494670532780032
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE the Auburn Roxy Red Wig!
ReplyDeleteI would wear it when I'm feeling bold with a little black dress, and bright red heals.
I liked Tiffany DeMichele Fashion Forward on facebook!
ReplyDeleteI would most certainly choose the "Messy Candy Pink Wig with Silver Streaks // Straight with Long// Heat Styleable" wig!
ReplyDeleteI think it is amazingly perfect! I would wear it with a new navy sweater that I bought along with a black & white striped skirt, some lovely tights, and black boots! Oh how wonderful it would be! :DD
I would definitely get the Teal wig that Susannah is modeling :) So pretty!
ReplyDeleteI just ordered a pink one from Miss Violet Lace so a teal would be a great add!
I also tweeted about the giveaway! @pamplemousse83
ReplyDeleteI also followed @tiffdemichele :)
ReplyDeleteI never even considered buying a wig, but you make it look so fun. I'm a brown chic so I'm not sure what color wig I could rock. If I win, I'll probably go with one of her sweet red wigs.
i LOVE the // Bordeaux Burgundy Wig// i've been eying her wigs for a while now!
ReplyDeleteI liked her facebook page and sadly I can't follow on twitter, I don't use twitter at all. But here;
I'd love to wear it with my cream wit cute tiny pink flowers new tank top paired with my kaki skinny distressed jeans and my black pair of boots.
Goodness I love the Auburn Roxy Red Wig! I would wear it all the time I have a lot on thin hair & it doesn't hold a curl so I would love to have body & curl!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite:
I've always wanted pink hair, but my bleach blonde hair is nearly killed as it is, so I know I'd never actually do it.. this wig would be amazing! I attend cosmetology school so I'd wear it there, or just going out. I love standing out, so this wig matches my personality perfectly :)
I LOVE her cotton candy pink wig!!! I have been wanting to dye my hair that color forever, but I am always afraid!! This would be perfect!!! and I would wear this with EVERYTHING!!! :)
I tweeted!!
I am a fan of tiffany on fb now!!
ReplyDeleteI follow Tiffany!!!
OMG, these wigs are sooooo fun!!!!! Love them all but especially the cotton candy pink wig! so fun!!
I follow tiffany on twitter.
I like tiffany on FB.
ReplyDeletefollowing tiff!
ReplyDeleteIs my favorite! I'd wear it whenever I wore my pink tights, or maybe when I get bored of my mohawk.
I liked her on facebook!
ReplyDeletebordeaux for sure! and i would wear it with everything in my closet! i love changing my hair color and am now growing it out so i would love to play with long hair again!