I've been getting comfortable in the Labor + Delivery ward at my hospital the past couple of weeks... and by comfortable I mean seeing far more of them than I'd like. (And being insanely uncomfortable to boot... Those labor beds are awful!) I did a half-day stint at 34 weeks for fetal monitoring, and then spent another day in there yesterday. Y'all, this last stretch of pregnancy is wearing me out.
One of the scariest things about pregnancy is that you just never know what to expect. Despite reading countless books, articles, forums, etc, I never really know what's "normal" and not. Last week in Florida I started experiencing some weird symptoms (for me) and just generally felt awful. False labor pains, nausea, etc. After calling my doctor on Monday we decided to play it cool until my appointment today (Wednesday). Unfortunately my body wasn't having it. Monday night I noticed that the baby had stopped moving entirely, and despite my best efforts to move him with orange juice, ice water and good old fashioned poking, he wasn't having it. I woke up to the same thing. Even the bathtub couldn't wrangle him into a wiggle. Then I had a crazy bad headache and nausea, so Mike took my blood pressure. And it was pretty sky high, which was weird. I had done a whole lot of nothing all day aside from tinker with some design work on the computer. My doctor had already closed for the day so we hopped in the car and headed to the hospital.
I was admitted for several hours of monitoring, fluids and tests, and I was having regular contractions every 5 minutes or so. Oh joy! The baby's heartbeat was quickly picked up (thank goodness!), but it was bounding like crazy. From his general baseline of ~160, he was accelerating to 202 and then crashing down to 97 in seconds. Of course I didn't (don't?) really know what any of that meant, but luckily my blood pressure stabilized (and then got really low?!) and his variables were very short in duration. After hours and hours of being hooked up to continuous fetal monitoring and vitals, my butt and back were killing me! Seriously those beds are the single most uncomfortable piece of furniture I've ever laid on haha Luckily all of my tests came back clear and the doctor thinks maybe the baby's variables are due to him rolling around on the cord or grabbing it. Not to mention I seem to be continuously dehydrated no matter what. I should hopefully know more today. This whole thing is so nerve wracking. Never knowing what is what, or why it is.
I'm just really grateful I had Mike with me yesterday because he really proved himself to be an advocate for both me and the baby. I always knew it was important to have that support system there, but I didn't realize just how invaluable it was. He knew what questions to ask, when to elaborate on answers that I was short with, and he stayed on top of everything in the time that I was there. It certainly wasn't the most fun way to spend an evening/night, but I know I would have been far more scared had he not been with me (like the first time when it was just me, Toby and my Nana!) And I'm so grateful that we had family we could leave Toby with for the day because that kid likes to tinker with hospital equipment ha.
Being admitted, even if only for a short time, made me realize just how much we have to do before this baby comes. He could be here any minute! And of course that doesn't help when you've been told to take it easy. From here on out, I'm letting my body just do it's thing. If I want to rest, I'll rest. Work will be there when I'm done. If I want to sleep in, I'm going to sleep in. After a solid week and a half or more of pushing my body to perform, I'm starting to pay for it. I have to try and remember that I'm on this baby's schedule... he's not on mine. (But seriously, Baby Flynn, please bake a little while longer! I'm really not ready!) Now that I'm officially 36 weeks, I'm just hoping my doctor won't be all "Okay! You're having a baby next week!" when I go in for my appointment today... Cross your fingers for us! My very best friend is getting married in 2 days and I'm supposed to stand next to her, but I'm so worried that my doctor is going to nix the whole thing. Traveling by car to Chicago at 9+ months probably sounds absolutely insane, but I really hope we're able to be there! Pregnancy is such a crazy, eye opening experience. I think he's making me pay for the smooth sailing in this last little stretch because holy moly I've reached that point of being uncomfortable 24/7 haha! xo

A common sentiment I hear is that it's bad to negative things about pregnancy, as it is insensitive to those who are unable to conceive. Pregnancy is a blessing, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows, and parts of it are downright scary and very uncomfortable. I worried so much when I was pregnant. Not healthy, I know, but I was just so anxious. Late in my pregnancy, I had to go to the ER to be monitored after I slipped on my icy porch and fell down the steps. The baby was fine, but it was terrifying.
ReplyDeleteAs for getting ready, no amount of preparation can fully cover everything. I was scheduled to have a C-section because my baby was breech for basically my entire pregnancy. A few days before my C-section date, my water broke. My husband was packing my hospital bag for me that I had obviously procrastinated on while I was crying on the phone with my doctor. I still had a C-section, but I also experienced some of the joys of labor, as there was delay after delay at the hospital.
I went to a friend's baby shower not too long after I had my son, and I found out she was giving birth in the same hospital I'd been in. She asked me if I'd toured the facility beforehand. No. She asked me if I'd taken their parenting class. No. She asked me if I'd done a bunch of other things, and my answer continued to be no.
Guess what! Everything was okay!
I can definitely understand (and agree) that it can sometimes be insensitive to whine about the things that come with pregnancy, but hopefully anyone who reads this will know that was not my intention. Every single pregnancy post I've shared thus far (even the really scary one with the baby's brain cysts) is full of paragraphs on how I feel SO SO blessed to even have this opportunity. Even in my first "real" post about the pregnancy I admitted my feelings of guilt that I was able to conceive while some of my friends struggled with their fertility or ability to carry to term. I can't speak from experience with those heartbreaking situations, but I certainly can sympathize and be heartbroken for them. This post (along with every other pregnancy post I've shared) is merely meant to document *our* journey and experience. I can't speak for anyone else or their situation of course. But hopefully by sharing my own fears, anxieties and even often-annoying-pains, I can help another mom-to-be know what to expect. I've been so so so lucky to have an easy pregnancy thus far, and I wish the very same thing for every expectant mom. I can definitely handle some random aches and pains here and there if it means a baby of my own in a few weeks. Even still, that doesn't stop my brain from going into serious worry mode when he doesn't move, or when I'm admitted to the hospital twice and am totally unaware of what's happening. I think even if you have a totally incident-proof pregnancy, those anxieties and fears are there. They're just rooted down deep since there's really nothing we, as the human incubators, can do in most of the situations, ya know?
DeleteSo glad to hear you were okay after your fall. That terrifies me so badly and I walk at a staggering slow pace to try and avoid an incident. I try to keep it in my mind that women have been birthing babies without any medical intervention, fancy contraptions, and ultra-decorated nurseries for EVER. I guess it's still the constant ignorance of what to expect that keeps me stressed and anxious. :)
You are a rock-star! It's great to have someone at your side who knows what to ask the doctor and can help you out at home! I hope you'll be able to go to your friend's wedding! You're going to look beautiful!! Hang in there mama!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a stressful thing to go through!
ReplyDeleteTake it easy and look after yourself
Thinking of you!
Good to know those beds are bad in US as they are in Scotland. I had fetal heartbeat checks a lot during my last three months and I hated having to sit there for hours at time. I was super lucky that I had such good doctors making sure nothing went wrong but sure wish they had better beds, hope your last few weeks go smoothly :-)
ReplyDeleteI am glad everything settled down and the tests came back normal. It is strange how different every person is when they are pregnant. Keeping you and the baby in my thoughts. I am 14 weeks behind you and love reading about your pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds so scary. But good to know your guy is there, for both of you. :) Best wishes on the upcoming delivery.
ReplyDeleteI was diagnosed with pre-eclempsia just a few days before my due date and was therefore induced (straight after a regular appointment). I didn't even know what that was until I had been admitted and hooked up to medications, so I hear you on never knowing what to expect! Take it easy, don't fret, and enjoy these last few moments-weeks that you've got doing all the resting your heart and body desire.
ReplyDeleteHave a safe trip and look after you and bump!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you're all doing better and that you're not stuck in the hospital waiting for baby to come this early! I have never been pregnant, though my husband and I are somewhat trying/not preventing. I get caught up in the excitement of "what if this is our month" and then if I really think I'm pregnant, I get crazy anxious about all the things that could go wrong, and I know that's not good for conceiving or carrying. It's so hard!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad everything is ok with you and baby boy! I'm 15 weeks and most days go by pretty smooth, but then I have days where I am absoutely terrified! I just hope I can stay strong. I hope everything goes well for your delivery! I'll be thinking about you! <3
ReplyDeleteBaby Flynn, stay in there for another few weeks, OK? I'm glad you're being well looked after, but it sounds like they need to invest in some new beds. Owww.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, I had no idea! Ugh, this is what happens when I am away from the internet too much.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that everything calmed down! I am crossing fingers that the Littlest Flynn can hold on just a few weeks longer in there; he needs more time to bake! And not at all surprised to hear that Mike is an awesome advocate - I've never read a thing about him here that would have ever made me believe anything else was possible :)
Fingers crossed, lady. Fingers crossed.
I'd cross my toes, but they are tiny stubby things so that ain't happenin', but they are crossed in spirit!
Don't tread on eggshells, you're allowed to be uncomfortable (though I'm so sorry you are) and you're allowed to voice it. Talking about it helps to deal with it, imo. It puts it out into The Universe and lets you share it outside of your own head. And holy Hannah do I understand the worrying. I didn't have to go to the hospital with my little dude, but every time he stopped moving, or didn't move when he "should" move, or went too long between moving, I was all about poking him, or the ice water and/or juice that you mentioned. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing so, so great, lady. :) You have rocked this pregnancy and you are going to rock your delivery (and ugh. Labour/Delivery room beds. Admittedly I spent about forty-five minutes in the L&D bed between labour, delivery and after-birth. I had a waterbirth and was in the tub, between labouring at home and in the hospital, for 80% of the time. I was on the bed to be checked, for maybe two positions and then to rest and nurse after the dude was born, before being transferred to a recovery room. STILL. Not comfortable, I agee)! (I'm doing an awful job of stopping my birth and baby yammering. SERIOUSLY. I'll stop now. ANYWAY. You're a BAMF, keep that shit up!)
Aw, hang in there Momma! You are doing great. From what I've heard the last stretch is just simply exhausting, BUT, you got this! <3
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you and baby are okay. <3
ReplyDeleteSo glad you and the baby are okay. Hang in there. You're doing great and Baby Flynn will be here before you know it. Best wishes on the rest of your pregnancy. Hopefully it's back to smooth sailing now.
ReplyDeleteYou are SO awesome!! You are going to have that baby and take such good care of him. And ha, I feel like you are on baby's schedule for quite awhile!!! All of that testing and hospital business can feel kind of scary sometimes, but it's so good to know the option is there, and that very capable people are around to take such good care of you two.
ReplyDeleteOh, and those labor beds are bad!! So there was a mixup, and no one realized I had been using a labor bed instead of a regular one, for FOUR days. No wonder I couldn't sleep and felt terrible! Ha
I've been to the local day unit twice and the delivery suite once so far and I'm 41 weeks today. Those beds are pretty uncomfy (at least the one yesterday was. I think the day unit ones are different lol). We watched the baby monitor yesterday and our base rate is just about 140ish and it was bouncing between 120 and 170 at some points. The nurse wasn't worried so I guess that's normal. Had first "internal" and oh my life it was miles more uncomfy than the bed. I think Chris was flinching for me too. He's been amazing, whether it was getting the manager of the restaurant to sit with me while he got the car (first trip to day unit a few weeks back) or finding my notes while I ring the hospital or even just things like making sure I've ate/drank enough. Some are little things but I think I'd panic or not to them if it wasn't for him.
ReplyDeleteMy parents have been on hand the last few days too as it's seemed to be getting closer to time and thank you will never quite cover it. They've just been amazing.