Orange Embroidery

Phew! This week... this week has given me a little bit of cabin fever thanks to the non-stop rain + storms we've been getting. We were in the middle of a yucky heat wave (along with the rest of the country, I know!) and a drought. Our yard looks so sad. The grass is dead, yellow and crunchy, and my plans are skeletons of themselves. Daily watering did no good and now it looks like winter in the middle of summer. The rain has been good though, as it's cooled down the temps a lot and I don't feel like melting. Here I am wearing a cardigan and tights because we like it to be freezing in our house now that we don't have an 80*-and-up restriction on our AC anymore. Just don't ask me about the electric bill! We had a fun thing lined up for this weekend, but it'd require me taking off work. I was ready and set to go but the rain put a damper (literally) on that. Maybe next weekend?! I want to share our fun Indiana find with y'all! Maybe I'll just spill the beans anyway...

Yesterday I Skype'd with Susannah and she was able to "meet" Toby for the first time. Being so far away isn't very fun but it's nice that we can talk and feel like we're hanging out! An hour passed before we even knew it and my work totally got delayed. Whoops! After working on a few things for a couple of hours I met up with Elle at our local coffee spot to catch up, talk shop, wedding plans, and life in general. I always look forward to those coffee dates with her because we're both able to get so much off our chests. Always needed and appreciated!

I came home afterwards and we all ate some yummy crock-pot chili and lounged around until it was time to put little dude to bed. Just a typical day around our house I suppose! Today Toby is going to have a little sleepover at his grandparents' (mike's parents) and we're going to try to organize the house some. Exciting/domestic stuff right? Then tomorrow is a super sweet first birthday party for Porter, our friends JT and Merissa's son! Here's to another successful weekend! xo


  1. You look adorable. I seriously love your bangs. I would LOVE to come home to a pot of chili!! So tasty.

  2. I love having that one friend who you meet for coffee and then just talk about life for hours. This post brought up fond memories. :)

    And I really like the embroidery detail on the cardigan. I couldn't figure out where the flowers were coming from at first, and then I realized it was your sweater, haha.

    Et tu, tutu?

  3. Beautiful Outfit *_*

    'Here in Germany is it very rainy too :S
    I hope it will get better soon!

    xoxo :*

  4. You always look so cute! I love your cardigan as well. I need to invest in more cardigans haha.

    xx Christina

  5. Lovely dress. What a pretty color and I love the touch of embroidery.

  6. You always put together the cutest outfits! I don't know how you tolerate the heat. In San Diego its humid and muggy and 70 degrees. We are spoiled.

  7. what a cutie patootie! I know you don't mention it in this post, but good luck on the quitting the bar thing to pursue your craft full time, you're going to be great!

  8. You look adorable as always! Enjoy the weekend~*

  9. I have a birthday party tomorrow too :) I am SO happy it's the weekend. Your outfit is just darling…as always!

  10. you are so so adorable! i love this look.

  11. I love to crank the AC too. It may wreak havoc on an electrical bill but I'm so much happier when I'm keeping cool!

  12. This dress and cardigan is amazing! I love the embroidered touches.


  13. What a beautiful summer color for that dress! I love the outfit.

  14. You look amazing as always kaelah! I'm absolutely adoring the look of bangs on you by the way! Stay cool!
    xo (I'm newly starting to blog! yay :))

  15. your hair looks so lovely and natural. i really love how long it's getting!

    sarah rose


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