// Wedding Wednesday: Invites + Honeymoon

Apologies to anyone attempting to get in touch with me the past day or two. I'm coming off of an insane strep throat/flu-like sickness and I was 110% out of commission yesterday. Thank goodness for scheduled posts. I'm all hyped up on DayQuil and am trying to weed through my emails and finish off a design mock, so I'll be around if you need me! As long as this sickness hits the road before the weekend and I'm able to make it to work, we'll be good. Today I thought I'd share our wedding invitations (since 90% of the guests have received theirs already) as well as our honeymoon plans. 

We also did a wedding website at KaelahAndMike.com for guests who wanted to RSVP online as opposed to sending back the RSVP card. It gives guests the chance to see some of our engagement photos, registry info, get directions to the wedding site, and receive alerts (if desired) closer to the date. The wedding site itself is a little "meh" but I snagged a code from Ruffled for only $5 so it was worth it, especially considering most wedding sites cost upwards of $50.

We had been toying with the idea of booking an all-inclusive resort in Mexico for a week, and the price seemed fair back in July. Of course we waited until August to try and book it and the exact same rooms/flights/dates ended up being over $500 more. We started thinking about it and we'd probably just feel so awkward at a resort. They're really just not our style. A candlelit dinner for two on the beach? Ehhhhhhh, that'd be weird to us haha
Instead we jumped on the AirBnB train thanks to a suggestion from Nichole, and we booked 5 nights in Cancun at a house with a private lagoon, and then 3 nights in Tulum at a quaint little bed and breakfast (but not any bed and breakfast, a b'n'b in a grass-roofed treehouse!) Even with all of our traveling together and living 1000+ miles apart for some time, we've never flown together before so this will be the first for us. Sort of weird to think about haha We quickly booked both places in Mexico as well as our tickets, and now we're just counting down the days!

Overall we're really happy with the way our invites turned out, and we're really really stoked on our honeymoon. I can't wait for it to all come together! The illustrations on the invite + map are by Rebekka Seale. She was/is a total gem! I did the design on everything but I could never have done what she did. Seriously, she's amazing.

I'm off to take some more medicine and try and take it easy today. Hope you all have a great Wednesday!


  1. Wowee- those invitations are gorgeous! I really like the stamp on the back of the envelopes.

    Also, thanks for the link- I think i'll be investigating Rebekka's house portraits...!

  2. Those are adorable!!!!!!!!! And (totally random) you have guests in Wauconda, IL?! My in-laws live in Wauconda. It is NOT a big town. Small world!

    But anyway, those invites are PERFECT. Congratulations!

    1. it's my maid of honor in wauconda :) we visit every so often! i love bulldog's and the village inn :)

  3. Wow! I love your invitations! This is such a beautiful honeymoon spot! Take a bunch of photos! I can't wait to see the wedding photos!

    XO Krystin

  4. GORGEOUS presentation, m'dear! Can't wait to hear more about the big day :)

  5. i LOVE these invites. and i'm also loving your hair these days too :)

  6. oh, wow! they've gotta be some of the most beautiful invites i've ever seen. not even going to comment on honeymooning because i can't get passed how insanely jealous i am!

  7. Holy crap a Treehouse Honeymoon?! That is awesome!

  8. woah your honeymoon seems amazingly dreamy!!

    XO Sahra

  9. Your invitations are beautiful!

    My dad went to Cancun for his honeymoon and he loved it. It's such a beautiful place! The treehouse sounds incredible!


  10. Aw the invites are darling!

    I would love to stay in that home in Cancun, lucky ducks.

  11. Those invites are amazing looking! and that "BnB" looks like a lot of fun!! I can only imagine the amazing photos youll take!!

  12. Congrats, K! It all looks wonderful. Your invitations and RSVPs are so cute! I love every little detail, even the shipping labels.

    The honeymoon looks like it will be pure paradise. Enjoy!

  13. That looks amazing! Iv always wanted to go to a tree house resort. In Oregon we have one thats a little different than that, for obvious scenic differences but They are real cabin type houses built up into the trees with bridges connecting them all. Iv always wanted to stay there! It would be so much fun.




  14. Okay those are totally the cutest invites I've ever seen, so adorable and will be such a treat for your guests to recieve!

    I have always dreamed of going to Mexico, these pictures just sum up why, what a perfect place to go on your honeymoon and set the pace for the rest of your lives together.

    I am well and truly jealous now! ;)


  15. Aw,the invites look cute! Have fun on your honeymoon! Whoa,your wedding is in Mount Pleasant?! Sweet,my dad lives there and used to live in Culleoka! Feel better soon!

    1. small world :) mt pleasant is where my dad lives, and it's the middle point for all of our family

  16. The invitations are just too cute!! And I love your wedding site. Great idea to share more pictures that way. :)

  17. Love, love the map on the invites, too cute!

  18. amazing invitations! every time i see nice wedding invitations i just wanna get married so i could send pretty invitations too. too bad i'm single. also i wouldn't mind to going on a honeymoon, that place looks like a paradise :>!

    xx Stu

  19. I'm so excited for you! The invitations are so cute and I'm super jealous of your honeymoon destination! I can't believe I'm this excited about the wedding of someone I've never met *(^.^)*

  20. Love the invites! The map is so cute. I really wanted something illustrated, but me + illustration = not good. haha. Looks like your honeymoon is going to be awesome!

  21. Your invitations are absolutely beautiful!

  22. Such cute invitations. Americans get married so late in the day compared with over here! Weddings usually kick off at about 2pm in the UK. Just a completely unnecessary observation x

    1. they're not usually as late as ours. typically they are anywhere from 1-3pm, but we are having an outdoor wedding and photos don't look good in harsh overhead sunlight. plus we like the look of the farm at dusk :)

  23. oh my GOSH!! i loooove your invitations! kraft paper is my favorite, I love how natural it looks. they look beyond adorable :) <3

  24. those invitations are amazing!
    You honeymoon sounds lovely also.

  25. they turned out amazing! i love love LOVE her style. gorgeous.

  26. Oh wow, your invitations are adorable! The illustrations are so cute, plus looks great all printed on the brown background, reflects your wedding theme - so clever! Plus I love how you tied all the invite bits together with the lace doily, utterly cute.
    And tree-house honeymoon. Beyond jealous! Hehe xx

    Fliss @ The Offbeat Girl
    The Offbeat Girl

  27. Your invitations are spectacular! :) just gorgeous. We are honeymooning in tulum next year, would love to hear more about where you're staying!

  28. Your invites are so amazing!! I love how everything is put together! Ya'll are amazing, you know that? I'm so excited for you!

    I also love the idea of the website.. Makes it so much easier for the guests! Plus then everything is in one place and you can't loose the information!

    I am also jealous of your honeymoon.. You deserve every bit of this Kaelah!! ♥


  29. OK, I literally squealed for a good 10 seconds when I saw your invitation and my girls came running up to see what the fuss was all about. LOVE. Haven't even read the post yet...hahaha

  30. OK, back. GREAT HONEYMOON. We're not much for resorts either and both times we've been to Mexico we've rented houses. It's just better, IMO. Although I wouldn't pass up a resort deal if I was really jonesing to get away. Just sayin'. You're gonna have a gorgeous time. SO SO happy for you, Kaelah. Probably, inordinately so but I don't care. lol

  31. Your invites are so, so, so cute! I love all of the little details and everything. Such a great look. Ahhh!I'm also so jealous of your honeymoon. Ugh. You must be so excited! :)

    Et tu, tutu?

  32. What a gorgeous invitation suite, wow! I absolutely love Rebekka's art, and your design elements are just beautiful. That's a keepsake for sure! And the honeymoon location looks like it's going to be incredible.

  33. Hope you feel better quickly :) Your wedding invitations are darling, and the honeymoon sounds wonderful!

  34. Aw the invitations look amazing! You designed them? So cool ^^ And so is the place you're going for your honeymooon xx

  35. The invites are adorable and that honeymoon? Ahhh that sounds amazing! You two will have such an amazing time, I'm sure!
    xo Heather

  36. I think you chose a lovely honeymoon suite and your invitations are so adorable!!!!

  37. That treehouse bed and breakfast is INSANE! I bet you're going to wake up in there momentarily confused and then get super stoked as you remember where you are :)

  38. Gorgeous invites and man that trip sounds amazing. A treehouse B&B?!

  39. I LOVE those invites! They are so beautiful and so "you"! (The map is especially adorable!) Also, those beach pics are making me crave a vacation but I'm totally with you when it comes to resorts. Yes to the booze, no thanks to all the other people. Haha!

  40. LOVE the map. You've outdone yourself, the invitations and organization are to die for! Gorgeous! xx

    Rose Eva

  41. the invitations are beyond gorgeous! looks like such a fun event - you can tell so much from the invites! also, we LOVE airBNB...we use it every time we travel, with and without the little one. so much more our style than an all-inclusive, i'm not sure i'll ever be able to convince my husband to stay at a traditional hotel again

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  43. Oh my goodness - Kaelah, the invite package is so beautiful!! Just gorgeous!! And the honeymoon location snaps - *swoon*! So very excited you guys, such a magical time ahead! Sending huge love from Oz,
    Shann xxxxx

  44. Congratulations! You made a very good invitation and I like it much.

  45. Well this is just perfect! Your invitations are the most beautiful I have ever seen! And the honeymoon ohhh, it's amazing. I can just hope one day I'll find someone to share my life like you did :)x

  46. I just LOVE these invites! They are so cute! The doily and the packaging is lovely... oh I just really like these! It's nice to see different invitations, other than the traditional types.

  47. These invites are SO amazing!! You two are SO adorable in cartoon form!! :)

  48. I snagged the $5 ruffled code too! Quick (maybe dumb) question, how did you change the domain name to just your names? I hate how long it is with besideyouforever.com in there...

    1. email their customer support. i think it's a surcharge, but i can't remember how much. it used to be an option directly on the site, but they took it off for whatever reason

  49. Wow your invitations are gorgeous! And your honeymoon sounds amazing :3!

  50. I love your invitations! They are so pretty! I am super jealous of your honeymoon trip. I am sure it will be incredible!

  51. The honeymoon looks amazing. I'm not a resort person, either, so I totally get your desire for something a little off the beaten path.
    Also, really digging the invitations. Great job!

  52. Your invitations are incredible and your honeymoon sounds amazing! Reubs and I aren't candlit dinner on the beach types either. I'd take a house with a private lagoon or a grass-roofed treehouse over a fancy resort any day! Seriously can't wait to see your wedding pics...

    Katie x

  53. The invites look great!! I love the way everything is packaged as well with the wrap around labels.

    You'll enjoy your honeymoon for sure. Those places are very you. But still hot weather and water, and not the resort style. very jealous of those B&Bs. We also opted not to go for resort. But we're heading to San Fran and Carmel.

  54. great job on the invitations!
    they look so cute.
    xo, cheyenne

  55. WOW!! Those invites are absolutely, incredibly adorable and creative! Love love love the drawing!! It's so personal and unique to you guys. :) I want you and Rebecca to do my invites someday, haha! (It'll be awhile as I don't even have a boyfriend...)

    Also, your honeymoon plans sound amazing. Sigh...

  56. Fabulous Kaelah! These invites are adorable, and so you!

  57. the invites are adorable, the place looks fantastic! xxx

  58. Your invites are super-cute, and Tulum is the best place in Mexico!! :) At least the beaches in that side are the lovliest - so excited for you! :)

  59. These invitations are amazing! Love everything about it. I am already excited about seeing pictures of your wedding! Just over a month to go :)

  60. What a honeymoon get away! Enjoy!

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