What's the last, nice thing you did for yourself "just because" you deserved it? Last week I decided I wanted something to brighten up my living room so I bought myself flowers. Just a cheap, $5 bouquet of pink florals, but that little bouquet made a world of difference. I enjoyed trimming the stems and preparing my vase once I got home. I allowed myself 10 or 15 minutes to just experience the process. And when I found a little home for them on our entertainment center, I snapped a quick photo to share my own personal sunshine online. Maybe that sounds like a weird way to go about things, but that small, tiny gift to myself improved my mood tenfold that day. And I wanted to share that with others to inspire them to treat themselves! I realized that I deserved those flowers and I didn't need to wait around for anyone to buy them for me. Don't get me wrong, Mike used to shower me with flowers on the regular, and now he'll still surprise me every once and again. But why should I wait for someone else to give them to me? Fresh flowers make me so happy, and I owe it to myself to be inspired while I live and work. And so do you!
Maybe your last gift to yourself was a manicure (either in a salon or at home!), a new book, or even a long, uninterrupted bath. We don't have to shower ourselves with grand gestures or elaborate gifts... sometimes something so small can make such a difference. Sometimes we have to supply our own sunshine in life.
Here are a few cheap and easy ways to date yourself!
Here are a few cheap and easy ways to date yourself!
- Enjoy a long, relaxing bath. Maybe throw in some bath bombs or bubbles, and light some candles to set the mood. Bonus points if you treat yourself to a glass of wine, too!
- Spend some time giving yourself a fresh new manicure! Try a new color or get artsy with some DIY designs.
- Cook yourself a nice meal! Whether you have a household to feed or just yourself, spending time trying a new recipe that just sounds delicious can be a great treat!
- Browse your local library, bookstore or even Amazon for a new-to-you book to read. Get lost for a few hours. Don't feel guilty if it's a cheeky chick-lit book! (Those are my favorite!)
- Write yourself a little love letter or pep talk. Kara did a really cool version of this and I love the outcome! You can always go back to it when you need a boost!
- Buy yourself some flowers! This is obviously my favorite way to treat myself because I feel like it really adds to my environment. There's something so dreamy about fresh flowers! You can even pick them from the side of the road.
- Treat yourself to a matinee movie date! Is there a film you've been wanting to see? Go! Why not right?! I love settling in for a movie with my own popcorn and drink. It's such a great 90-minute escape from the daily grind.
- Learn a new skill or hobby! Workshops and classes are all over the place these days! Both online and off, it's so easy to find a class that helps you learn a new skill. Everything from weaving to jewelry design and sewing, and even things like web coding... This "date" is a great way to invest in your interests and your future. You might even find a new passion!
- Go to your local animal shelter and spend some time with the animals. You can volunteer to walk the dogs, feed the cats, etc. Not only will you be making the day of the animals in the shelter, but you'll also get those warm fuzzy feelings from being surrounded by precious little furry friends.
- Have a little impromptu photoshoot with yourself! Maybe this one sounds silly and self-indulgent, but just think about how good a new, gorgeous profile photo makes you feel! Find your favorite outfit, throw on some lipstick (if that's your kind of thing), and snap some selfies! Celebrate your beauty and set the tone for your online presence.
Whatever you do this week, just remember to date yourself! Treat yourself kindly and enjoy the little things. Don't wait for someone else to do it.
What's your favorite way to "date" yourself? Today I'm going to spend time giving myself a mani/pedi, and maybe later this week I'll take myself on a froyo date. Why not, right?!