// Things I Love Thursday v.250

this pin! ♥
this darling cat embroidery ♥
these stunning lip colors ♥
these ridiculously cute planters from ponypeople ♥
this pit bull photo series ♥
this photo ♥
these tattoos! ♥
this photo of bernie sanders marching behind MLKjr ♥
♥ the reblogs on this were hilarious ♥
this patch ♥

// I have every intention of owning everything from ban.do.

// I just recently found the Simons website and I've been drooling over all the home stuff! Anhone have any shopping experience with them?

// Holy friggin' cute baby polar bear video! I want to go cuddle it!

// Last minute Valentines gifts! (FYI: Shopbop ships via Amazon Prime free for members!)

// Looking for a rad babe empire to support? Here you go! BabeVibes on Kickstarter!

What are you loving this week?

xo KB



    new screensaver for sure

    love, rach.
    So, hi.

  2. I showed Rob the picture of Bernie Sanders and he said it was fake :( Here's the Snopes on it: http://www.snopes.com/sanders-mlk-selma-march/ I mean, it's not fake I guess, but it's probably not him.

  3. Wow! Awesome shares :D More things to wish for <3 hehe

  4. The pitbulls are the cutest things ever. I'm so in love. I recently discovered Ban.do as well, after hearing about it on a podcast and I want to buy ALL the things. Thanks for the link on Babe Vibes too - their latest project sounds incredible! x


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB