// The Littlest Flynn is a...

The Littlest Flynn is a... - The Clueless Girl's Guide
Mike and I scheduled an elective ultrasound last week just as I passed the 15 week threshold so we could find out what the sex of the baby was (and so I could have peace of mind since this whole thing has been an emotional rollercoaster!) I always knew growing a baby was tough work, but I never expected it to come with a dump truck of anxiety, too! I'm constantly in fear that something will happen or the baby will just so growing. I knew I didn't have it in me to wait another 5-6 weeks for a second ultrasound so after polling the masses to ensure I wasn't totally crazy (and selfish!) for wanting an elective ultrasound, we went for it! I'm so glad we did! I'd do it again in a heartbeat and I'm firmly in the camp "do it!"

Those fifteen minutes on the table were so "affirming," if that makes any sense. This entire pregnancy thus far hasn't felt very "real" and seeing the baby squirm, roll over, and basically dance was exactly what I needed.

And best of all? This sweet little bundle of joy is a BOY! Toby is over the moon (he really, really wanted a little brother) and we're in heaven. I asked just before our appointment last week if people thought it would be a boy or a girl, and the overwhelming majority definitely leaned toward female. I definitely expected most to feel that way since I'm pretty feminine myself, but biology doesn't care about that haha! I've "known" from the very first ultrasound that it was a boy. I knew in my heart of hearts and I would've been floored had the ultrasound tech said otherwise. I'm so excited to bring a little dude into the world!

It's going to be such a fun challenge (for the lack of a better word) to decorate a boy's nursery. I was totally stumped at first with no clue where to start. Luckily Mike and I decided on a theme the other day and we're so so excited to get started! I know absolutely nothing about pregnancy/babies from the beginning to 3 years so it's going to be such a fun learning experience. We'll hopefully have another little baseball player in a couple of years!

We've been poring over names for the past forever, and I think we have finally (sort of?) agreed on a first name. It's been the only name I've wanted all along and I think it's grown on Mike a lot. Of course there's still a lot of time left for this bun in the oven so I won't get too antsy just yet. I don't know if it's something we'll share prior to the birth or not. Right now I'm just thinking about today's quad marker screening (to test for genetic abnormalities) and the anatomy scan in a few weeks. More than anything in the world I just want this little chipmunk to be healthy!

I'm 16 weeks today and I'm already amazed to be this far along. 16 feels like nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I'm looking forward to looking and feeling pregnant... just to put my anxious mind at ease. Life is good right now! Thanks for sharing in our excitement! xo


  1. Congrats! I figured Toby would be ridiculously excited for a baby brother, I think he'll make a great big brother :)

    I think it's so cool how almost every mother I've talked to just KNEW what the sex was, my mom's even really good at guessing what other people are having. We joke that it's her sixth sense.

  2. Awww a massive congrats and wooo for Toby. I bet he is over the moon, a little brother to teach the way of the world too!

  3. Congrats! I would say boys are the best, but you already know that!!! As far as anxiety goes during pregnancy, I was the worst.I never try to push my own experiences down the throats of expectant mothers (because I hated when women did that to me), but I do believe that everyone is different and so are pregnancies. I don't know anything about you personally, and I am definitely not assuming anything I promise, but when I was pregnant, I was a basket case! I struggled for years with anxiety and depression and then came off all of my meds for the pregnancy and just couldn't handle it. I worried all the time about everything! I would be literally sick to my stomach with anxiety (and diarrhea) before appointments. It was terrible. My OB put me on a low-dose of Zoloft and it made a huge difference for the remainder of my pregnancy. I'm not saying you need medicine or that you are just like me, just saying that I know how crippling it can be. I wish you the best! Saw they stomach flu arrived, so wishing speedy recoveries!

  4. Yay! Awesome! And remember, a nursery is a nursery - don't freak out too much about the details ;) That baby won't be aware of much more than the floorboards for a long time, haha.

    My sister's advice was to keep your name private until Kiddo shows up; EVERYBODY has an opinion on names, and there's ALWAYS someone ready to rain on your name-parade, and being pregnant is so emotional anyway it's just best not to give 'em the in to get to you.

  5. I was totally right!! Woohoo! (though there was a 50% chance...lol)

    Congratulations to all of you!

  6. Boys are the best! Congratulations! Pregnancy is crazy awesome and also super tough so try to relax and enjoy decorating the nursery.


  7. Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys! Toby is going to be a great big brother!

    xoxo, Delaney

  8. congrats!! A house full of boys. :]

  9. Congrats to you and Mike! This boy will have the coolest parents! And congrats to Toby on being a big brother, so cool!

  10. Oh my gosh I am SOOO excited for you mama! Two boys...welcome to the club!


  11. I had boy in my head the moment I read your announcement post. How exciting! Toby is going to be the best big brother!!

  12. Congratulations! What an exciting time. :)

  13. Congratulations! What an exciting time. :)

  14. YAY! so happy for you all :)


  15. Congratulations!!! I've been checking Instagram, Twitter and your blog even more waiting for this announcement. So excited for you guys, especially Toby.
    My best friend just found out she's pregnant. She asked her daughter if she wanted a baby brother or sister and she said "I'd rather have an ice cream". Kids are the cutest!

  16. For some reason, I actually thought you were gonna have a boy, so this is awesome! Congratulations, lady!! Such wonderful news :)

    xox Sammi

  17. So exciting! I had some complications during my pregnancy which were scary but hearing her heartbeat at all the extra appointments were like Christmas.

  18. Gorgeous news! So excited for you. Enjoy!

  19. Gorgeous news! So excited for you. Enjoy!

  20. Yes, I knew it! It's the season of boys right now. My aunt is due May 30th with and just found out she's having a boy! Little boys are so much fun, as you already know. So excited for you : )

  21. Congrats!!! Yay little boy. :) He's going to be the cutest stylin' little dude.

  22. Congrats! That is so exciting. I just know Toby will love having a new little baby brother.

  23. Little boys are so awesome. My first was a boy and while I was scared of what I was going to do with him it came naturally. Congratulations!

  24. Eeeek!!! I am SO happy for you and Mike. You are such a good mamma already and I know you will be so amazing with the littlest flynn. All the best for your beautiful family. Can't wait for the photos.. nursery pictures.. outfits.. aaah!!


  25. Congratulations!!! And have fun with the nursery... we're doing a "galaxy" theme for our little boy due in June and we're so excited to start!

  26. Wow! A boy! It's crazy how the sex can really give you that added confirmation. I've been struggling with my own pregnancy and the legit-ness of it and it feels like I'm in a failyland, like its so not real! So excited for you and your little fam. Toby will be the best big brother!

  27. so exciting!!!! can't wait to see this little guy!

  28. Congrats!! :)

    Love, Tatjana

  29. Aaw, how exciting! I expected him to be a girl too, for some reason! I definitely think boys are the best- I'd be happy with a whole household of boys! Oh, and I just know that I'll be finding out the sex at the earliest possible opportunity! I'm too impatient to wait!


  30. congratulations, sweeties!

    anecia & roses ♥ blog

  31. Congrats on having a baby boy!!!

  32. Congratulations, that's amazing!! Toby is going to be a great older brother and I cannot wait to read more about how he is going to prepare for the new arrival. So please you've got a name and starting to work on the nursery - these things are definitely making it feel much more real. I know that probably everyone says that to you, but enjoy this special time as much as you can - it's so magical and wonderful! Really can't wait to read more about how you're finding the pregnancy, you are already an inspirational mum and also mum-to-be!

  33. So so so so over the moon for you and your family!! A boy - having two boys will be so much fun!

  34. Yay!! Toby is going to be an awesome big brother! I'm so happy for you and your growing family!

  35. Congrats! At first I never wanted to find out the sex but after we did it really felt like I could connect easier knowing where we were going. Hehe.

  36. AWW Congrats! I am so happy for all of you xx

  37. So exciting! I had a feeling it would be a boy. Toby must be over the moon excited! I can't wait to see how you decorate the nursery. I bet it will be the cutest!

    Becca | Ladyface Blog

  38. I could see you decorating like this! http://simplyhappy.pl/2013/08/03/kto-sie-boi-czarnej-sciany-blackboard-wall/

  39. Ahhhh congrats again! So happy for you and excited to share this journey with you. xxxxx

  40. Little boys.... there is just something about 'em! I'm so excited for you guys! The newest Flynn is going to be (and already is) stylish, creative, and most of all loved <3... couldn't ask for better! Congratulations Kaelah!

  41. Ahhh!! I'm so behind on reading this blog, apparently! MEGA CONGRATS!! :) So exciting!!!

  42. Huge congratulations to you, Mike, and Toby. I can't wait to see how you decorate the nursery! :)

  43. Awesome! Congratulations! We're expecting our first and it's a boy too! So exciting and at the same time scary. For me has been unreal and I don't know absolutely nothing about pregnancy, babies and specially baby boys. I'm looking forward to see your journey through your lovely blog :)

  44. I swear I could've written this post myself when I was pregnant! I didn't feel truly pregnant until I was about 8 months and suddenly had a huge belly out of nowhere! The ultrasounds and heart beat checking where the only things that made me feel pregnant otherwise because, like you, I felt constantly anxious that something was wrong! It gets /a lot/ easier once you can feel your little jellybean too because then you can poke and prod your stomach to get him to move and feel at ease!! That's what I did, at least. hehe

  45. As a mom of two sons, I am thrilled for you as you embark your first pregnancy of a son and get to enjoy raising two boys together!! How wonderful. Little boys are fun to dress up too. ;) Congratulations!


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