To say that I've been blessed with an amazing 2012 would be silly, because to me it's just so obvious it need not be spoken. I became a mom, I got married, I celebrated with all of my best friends from every corner of the country, etc. Just thinking about how different my 2012 was from my 2011 is mind-boggling. It makes me really excited for 2013.
I could go back and share with you all my favorite posts and experiences from this past year, but rather than relish in any of that, I want to make room for new adventures and goals. (I mean, I still have to share our wedding photos and honeymoon part 2, so just bear with me. There will be plenty of 2012 highlight reels in that regard) Today I want to send 2012 off with a excited wave + goodbye, and usher in 2013 with arms wide open. (*cue absolutely terrible Creed song being stuck in your head* Oh, only mine? Awesome)

Twice a year I make a pretty lofty set of goals. New Years and my birthday (and let's face it, I'm getting up there in years so those "24 before 25" lists get a little exhausting!). Usually New Years resolutions are more "blanket"/generalized goals and ideas, and my birthday list is comprised of goals that have more of a dedicated ending/result. I feel like resolutions (if you make them!) should set the tone for the coming year. Last year my blanket resolution was to be more organized. I'm still not the best, and it took a long time to even get started, but I incorporated some organizational techniques into my daily life that I don't think I'd be able to function without now. (I'll be sharing more of these techniques on the blog soon! What good is a good idea if you keep it to yourself?!) When you live and work in the same ~1,200 sq. feet every single day, organization is key. It's definitely something I want to take into 2013 with me (and I hope all of these goals roll over to 2014 and beyond), but this year's theme is "Growth". Growth as a family (not in quantity of members, but in quality of life), growth as a business, and growth as a person. I think each of these 7 resolutions below will help me achieve that. Here's what I'm hoping for 2013...

All too often I find myself tweeting or tumbling things that aren't positive. They're quick rants, shared frustrations, or just negative in general. I really need to be more aware of my passive aggression, too. I'm a firm believer that you get back what you put out into the world, and no one likes to be constantly bombarded with whining and complaining. I found myself doing that on more than one occasion and I know how much I dislike it, so it's only fair. I'm not saying don't be truthful and honest. Sometimes a frustrated tweet or comment can be a good thing (and your friends will rally you with support so you know it's not *that* bad), but just in general, I'd like to share more positivity in hopes that it radiates with someone.

This is one that I really want to figure out. I chart out my editorial calendar upwards of a month in advance, just to get a generalized outline of what might be going on the blog. They're usually not 100% confirmed, and everything can change with ease, but it helps me get an idea of what I need to be doing on a daily basis to stay on schedule (Hello 2012 resolution!). Unfortunately, I sometimes leave those posts until the morning of to be written... then that requires me to rush, figure out a format, skimp on the graphics and just throw it up there. It's not fun. I'd like to be anywhere from 6-10 days ahead of schedule. Not 100% of the time, as I'd like to allow for the present time, too. But at least the foundation of posts. I'm much more efficient when I behave this way. It'll help me, the blog, our businesses, and even Mike, too. Gotta keep his sanity intact for when mine runs for the hills!

I'll probably sound like a hypocrite because it's not like I plan to stop shopping at fast-fashion/mall stores or anything, but this is more of an "overall" statement. Better blog posts, not necessarily more. Better home splurges, not more. Spending a larger chunk of time at a dog park with the pups rather than a couple of 10 minute spurts (though they do tire quickly... haha). Purge a lot of our belongings to make way for a better quality of life in our new home. Maybe not being so afraid to go out and invest in a nice pair of jeans (!!!) that won't make me hate the entire pants experience. This blog is the biggest example of how I hope to make this resolution apparent. I have so many new and fresh ideas for where I see LCH. Even if it's not in line with the growth in the past, I actually feel excited about what lies ahead. This resolution alone has the power to make for an incredible experience if I'm just open to letting it happen.

Another resolution that is much like #2. My day to day is never ever the same. Sometimes I'll wake up at 7:30am and be in my office typing away at the keyboard on the blog, Him + Honey, or design work clear until 2am the next day. Other days (like today) I half-heartedly roll out of bed at half past 9, then lay on the couch with a blanket until a quarter past 10. I'm lucky to be able to be flexible and take breaks when I want to, but I think our family could really use with some stability in a schedule. Especially with Toby getting ready to go to preschool and Mike and I both balancing a work at home schedule. I think if we had set hours we'd be able to enjoy doing more things as a family, and we'd be more successful in our projects, too. It's tough because I've yet to find a schedule that works for me (or both of us at the same time), so I may be coming to all of you for advice!

This one speaks for itself. On the road, as a parent, as a wife, as a business owner. I've lost my cool on many occasions when I really shouldn't have. All it would've taken is 10 seconds of breathing and I would've been fine. Patience has never been my strong suit and this is the year I plan on changing that. Everyone around me (Toby, Mike, my clients) deserves the utmost respect and if I could just remember to simmer down on occasion, we'd be golden. (Coincidentally this is the virtue we've been practicing with Toby for the past few weeks... Guess we'll learn together! At 4 and 24 years old haha)

I'm really bad about "being busy" and wanting to "go go go!", and even feeling guilty for taking a mid-day Netflix break or whatever. That's so ridiculous! It's nice to feel busy and important, but truth be told, I do most of that to myself. I make myself busy. I take on projects when I know I shouldn't. I say yes to things when I should be spending time with my family instead. I focus on making sure we're financially comfortable as opposed to being happy (for the lack of a better term). I really don't need to be that busy, and I could even balance my very same schedule with ease if I'd just employ resolution #4 (Find a work at home schedule that works). My inability to adhere to set hours makes our whole family tired and worn out. I don't need to do 17 projects or have 12 businesses. We can get by on just one or two with ease, but I have this craving to constantly work and succeed. It says a lot about our society, but even more about me because I know better and I can choose to go against the grain. Here's to scaling back and putting my whole heart into things that truly inspire me and make me feel like a successful person/wife/mom/business owner.

I've found myself quickly unfollowing a lot of people on Twitter, Instagram, and most frequently Tumblr. I don't plan on necessarily doing a total "clean sweep" of any of them (except Google Reader!) but if someone is notorious about sharing things that don't necessarily inspire me or make me feel good, there's really no reason I should subject myself to that sort of thing ya know? And even people who are generally really nice and polite and positive, but don't share things that I'm interested in... it just makes for social media noise. (If you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings you can always "mute" them on Twitter, but I try to be honest with myself.) I can tell you that it does sometimes sting to have someone unfollow you for a reason you don't know (Rolling my eyes realllll hard at myself right now.. It's only the internet!) but we work to build these relationships with people and regardless of what we say, we want to inspire people and we want them to read what we put out there. Instead of focusing on a select group/clique that may have formed over the years, and trying to keep appearances up just for my own sake, I want to engage with people who inspire me. Inspire me in all facets of life. I think really rehashing my news feeds will help with that. (Facebook, I'm coming for you! You're the worst...) I truly urge each and every one of you to do this one, even if you don't plan on making resolutions. Clear out your feed! Unsubscribe from people who don't make you feel good about yourself. (Even if that means unfollowing me!) Think about what they put out in to the world (and even what YOU put out there! Hello #1!) Life is too short to only breed/feel negativity. Create an online place where you feel like the best you.
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Hello longest post ever! Those are my 7 resolutions for 2013. I feel excited, rejuvenated, and even inspired. I'm ready to say "So long!" to 2012 and "Hey!" to 2013.
Are you a resolution person? If so, what are some of yours?!