Look who's 2! Miss Georgia Sue!

english bulldog

My sweet baby bully is two years old today! Coming in just a day after my blog's birthday, and two after Mike's dad, celebrations are in full-swing at our little home. Well, wrestling is in full swing I should say. Georgia is feeling loads better after her two eye surgeries on Thursday and now she won't stop playing with Pip (even though we're trying to get her to calm down). Glad to know that even at 2 she's still a puppy at heart! Doesn't that translate into teenage human years? Or so the myth/thought says. I can see that... she's defiant sometimes like you'd expect a teenager to be, but she's still the absolute apple of my eye. I remember picking her out of the bunch, thinking I wanted a male at the time. She was so demure and sweet, following me feet around the yard. It was love at first sight. Sometimes she impersonates a baked potato perfectly (arms and legs tucked under her rotund belly, laying there lifeless), but you'd be surprised how much power and energy that stout little body holds. 

I love that little dog so very much. Waking up every morning with her snoring at my feet is the best... even if I do have to struggle with the covers that she's pinned under herself. And sometimes, just sometimes, she lets me cuddle her up on my pillow with my arms around her at night like a teddy bear. Okay, so to say I love her is an understatement. I'd pay for a million more surgeries if it meant keeping her around forever!

Happy birthday, Georgia Sue! 

english bulldog
english bulldog
english bulldog
english bulldog
english bulldog
english bulldog


  1. DOH SHE IS SO SIRRY n tubby. Happy birthday to herrr!!!

  2. sooooo cute! happy birthday, georgia sue!!!

  3. she's really fat :D:D but so cute & gorgeous ♥ happy birthday to her (:

  4. Awww she's so cute! My middle name is Sue too. haha. =] Happy birthday, Georgia!

  5. Aw, happy birthday! So cute :) You sound like me with Dorian. I love him so much you'd think my love would squash him :)

  6. What a cutie! Happy birthday xx

  7. ooohhh tooo cute. I love bulldogs! Happy Birthday!

  8. aw she's so cute! happy birthday Georgia!

  9. Happy Birthday Georgia!! She is soooooooo cute :D

  10. Happy birthday to Sue!

  11. i love her faces:)....she is really adorable! we have an american bulldog (same face/ size of a boxer) and she is the best. great with kids! i can't imagine a nicer breed. (lots of drool...but we got use to it:)

    sounds like you have lots to be happy about! cheers to a good week:):)


  12. Happy birthday bb G!

  13. babah she's soooo cute.
    and she looks like she's smiling in the outdoor pool photo!

  14. Aww...such a cutie! Happy birthday! :)

  15. Ah, she's such a sweetheart! Happy Birthday to her!

  16. Cutest dog ever...half in and half out of the basket is adorable!!


  17. Awww, she's adorable! Happy Birthday, Georgia Sue! :)

  18. Oh happy birthday you sweet little creature! Yay for being too!

    melissa & bubby (the 15 year-old lab/chow mix)

  19. She is such a pretty bulldog!!! mine is 2 1/2 now and he barely plays anymore. Just fills our house with the sweet snoring he produces ALL day! i love him, though! bulldogs are the best!!!

  20. Oh gosh your furry baby is sooo adorable! Happy birthday furry child!

  21. Aw I am a day late but happy birthday to the cutie pie Miss Georgia Sue! <3

  22. Aww! Posts like this make me want to big for a puppy when my husband gets home from work, haha! Pet deposits are ridiculous in my apartment complex though!

    Happy Birthday!

  23. Aw! She's so adorable! I have a bulldog too so I can't resist bulldog pictures. Georgia Sue is super cute!

  24. Tell her ollie and I say happy birthday!!

  25. I saw you linked from another blog and thought I loved you just based on your not-a-size-0-and-rockin'-it style, but then I saw THIS post and died. Officially a fan.


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB