Things To Think About...

Most people, Sweet Angel, think that paradise is a state of having all you want, when actually, it's a state of not having all you want, but knowing that it's near, that you can have it, and that you will.

Kind of like Nashville... and everywhere else on your floaty, little planet.
    The Universe


Simply put, Sweet Angel, the reason there are things you want that have not yet appeared in your life, is because you're just not used to thinking of yourself with them.

Sorry, kind of wish it was more complicated.

Just keep practicing.
    The Universe


  1. lovin' the positive vibes :)

  2. wow. well a different way to look at it (: postitive ^^


  3. The Universe emails are my most favorite thing ever. Thank you so much for posting about them, it's my favorite part of my day waking up to those words!

  4. I love notes from the universe! It's the best way to start off your day <3

    I've had both of those sweet little notes. Such wonderful pick me ups!


  5. Oh goodness! I came here to read your blog for the first time today, and the entry seemed so familiar. I was like, "This is SO weird." Then I saw it was from The Universe. Best e-mails ever. : )

  6. Loooove the TUT daily emails!

    Thoughts DO become things!!



HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB