sorry i suck at updating this.
sometimes i really really overestimate myself hahaha
uh, i fly back to tennessee tomorrow.
i am sad. do not want to leave.
love bust magazine.
and they asked me back for next summer.
in other news,
i hate packing.
friday night lights

the hangover is officially my new favorite movie. my roommate, alyssa, and i went out for a quick beer tonight and then went to see the movie on its opening night. we had to buy our tickets via fandango because all of the showings were selling out! crazy! anyway, we went to amsterdam billiards & bar and a 12oz blue moon was $6.50! $8 with tip! [as a bartender and someone who lives off of her tips, i try to tip generously] but still! gah! last month in nashville when blue moon was $4.50 at 3rd and Lindsley i was complaining! but anyway, i guess thats just the city for you. we went over to the movie theater and the line to get in the theater was RIDICULOUS! you had to fight your way to the door and we finally found seats... like.. 4th row from the front but center. not so far to the front that you broke your neck looking up the whole time. they were good seats. the place was packed. door to door, jammed, sold out. but holy crap it was a good time. everyone was cracking up, hollerin, clapping, etc. it was fun. it was a fun young group. the movie though... OH MY WORD! THE MOVIE WAS HILARIOUS! so so so so so good. i could watch it 39487389 times over again... right now. the credits with the photos really made it. i highly suggest it!
so basically as you can probably tell, i'm feeling loads better! ugh finally! my jaw is still hurting but im lightyears better than i was! tomorrow im goin to venture out into the city with my friend devon and go to a bunch of thrift stores. huzzah! then tomorrow night and sunday will just fall into place i hope. monday morning its back to work! yay!~ so glad to be going back!
next friday is THIEVES LIKE US playing at webster hall. alex comes into town on friday so we're going to check out that show and possibly the fun little dance party that goes on there TRASH!. devon might tag along too. fun fun fun. 14 days left in the city. man it feels so weird to say that.
also, we just got pizza delivered to our apartment at like 2am [its weird because thast impossible in tennessee haha] but basically a SMALL in new york pizza is like a freaking extra large everywhere else. i couldnt even finish one slice. crazy!
okay! sleep time! soon. maybe. ha. I LOVE THIS CITY!
the past week...
my life for the past week has been insanely and utterly unglamorous. i cannot even begin to describe. thursday i spent the day doing busy stuff around the BUST office and going on pick-ups for clothes at PR companies, etc etc. Laurie [the creative director] asked me if i'd like to accompany her to the fashion features photoshoot for the august/september issue friday morning in brooklyn. friday was supposed to be my day off but what an exciting opporunity! i jumped at it and agreed to meet her at the office at 8:45am friday morning. i left the office a little after 6 and thought i was going to pass out in union square. i had a fever and i was lightheaded, etc. i went home, took my temperature [101.6!] and laid down. i took some meds and tried sleeping it off. i had to be there friday morning. it was huge. so i woke up, went and got some coffee on the way, got in the car and laurie and i ventured to park slope in brooklyn. shooting began shortly thereafter. i did a coffee/food run [like five times] and during all of this my fever started coming back. i was very flushed and weak and i tried eating lunch but i couldnt swallow it. it was a longggg day. 9am til 7:30pm. i walked home from the office and took my temperature, this time it was 102.8.... not good. i went straight to sleep after taking some meds to sweat it out. from friday until currently [its thursday!] i've been in bed. i havnet left my apartment except for to go to duane reade [nyc equivalent of cvs or walgreens, for everyone back home] to get medicine and gatorade. i haven't eaten aside from one bowl of vegetable soup... i hvaen't eaten in week because i can't.
i missed the MAE show and everything this past weekend, and when i wasnt well enough on monday to go in, i emailed erin, my boss. she said she understands and to take the time i need but i was desperately hoping it wouldnt take this long ot feel better. i dont have health insurance so i buckled down and finally realized i really DID have to go to the doctor. i went monday morning on the lower east side and saw a doctor. they told me what i already knew... i ahve tonsillitis. they gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way. well, they didnt address the other issue... the infection in my wisdom teeth and jaw. its gotten so bad i have ulcers in my mouth and i can't open the left side of my jaw. it literally feels broken. i have a huge gaping hole in my gum next to my back wisdom tooth and basically its the worst pain of my entire life. it still hasnt gotten better and if its still this painful in the morning i'm taking the bus back down to the doctor's.
my mom wants me on the next plane home to come back to tennessee but i just can't. i cant walk away from something this incredible. i hate that i only have 4 weeks at bust and i've just spent 1 week of it laid up in bed becasue i can't do anything else but i dont know what to do. if the doctors can do anything about it and if i dont get better by monday, going home really is my only option. because that way BUST can find someone to replace me and i dont have to keep them on pins and needles as to if or when i can return. i hate this so bad becasue i love it here. i fit in, it feels like home, i love the mgazine and everyone that works there. the interns i work with are just awesome, they're such sweethearts. :( i dont want to go home.
ive literally watched every season of the office, he's just not that into you, and confessions of a shopaholic while laid up in bed. all the rest of the time i've spent sleeping so i dont have to move my jaw or think about the pain. the tonsillitis has cleared up but the pain in my mouth/jaw is still oh so noticable. :(
i hope it goes away so i can stay the remaining 16 days. i can't believe my trip is already almost half over and all i have to show for it is a half-bottle of amoxicillian and empty bottles of tylenol/aleve/pain relievers. :( :( :(
send me good feeling vibes plz~!!!
i missed the MAE show and everything this past weekend, and when i wasnt well enough on monday to go in, i emailed erin, my boss. she said she understands and to take the time i need but i was desperately hoping it wouldnt take this long ot feel better. i dont have health insurance so i buckled down and finally realized i really DID have to go to the doctor. i went monday morning on the lower east side and saw a doctor. they told me what i already knew... i ahve tonsillitis. they gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way. well, they didnt address the other issue... the infection in my wisdom teeth and jaw. its gotten so bad i have ulcers in my mouth and i can't open the left side of my jaw. it literally feels broken. i have a huge gaping hole in my gum next to my back wisdom tooth and basically its the worst pain of my entire life. it still hasnt gotten better and if its still this painful in the morning i'm taking the bus back down to the doctor's.
my mom wants me on the next plane home to come back to tennessee but i just can't. i cant walk away from something this incredible. i hate that i only have 4 weeks at bust and i've just spent 1 week of it laid up in bed becasue i can't do anything else but i dont know what to do. if the doctors can do anything about it and if i dont get better by monday, going home really is my only option. because that way BUST can find someone to replace me and i dont have to keep them on pins and needles as to if or when i can return. i hate this so bad becasue i love it here. i fit in, it feels like home, i love the mgazine and everyone that works there. the interns i work with are just awesome, they're such sweethearts. :( i dont want to go home.
ive literally watched every season of the office, he's just not that into you, and confessions of a shopaholic while laid up in bed. all the rest of the time i've spent sleeping so i dont have to move my jaw or think about the pain. the tonsillitis has cleared up but the pain in my mouth/jaw is still oh so noticable. :(
i hope it goes away so i can stay the remaining 16 days. i can't believe my trip is already almost half over and all i have to show for it is a half-bottle of amoxicillian and empty bottles of tylenol/aleve/pain relievers. :( :( :(
send me good feeling vibes plz~!!!